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ICCF Congress in Seixal, Portugal

8 October 2002

The annual ICCF Congress is currently underway in Seixal, Portugal. Here are a few photographs from Seixal provided by a member of the USA delegation and ICCF Executive Officer Grayling Hill.

NOTE: Click on any photo to see larger version

ICCF Congress 2002
ICCF President Alan Borwell officially opens the Congress.

ICCF Congress 2002
The Canadian and USA delegations. Shown left to right:
Ralph Marconi (CAN), Max Zavanelli (USA), Ruth Ann Fay (USA), Grayling Hill (USA)
Further back in the red shirt is Soeren Peschardt (DEN)
Is that ICCF Email Office Commissioner Chris Lüers (GER) next to him?

ICCF Congress 2002
Opening night banquet. Shown left to right:
Ralph Marconi, North Atlantic/Pacific Zone (NAPZ) Director
Ruth Ann Fay, ICCF-U.S. Office and NAPZ Officer
Max Zavanelli, ICCF-U.S. Secretary
Tim Harding, publisher Chess Mail magazine

ICCF Congress 2002 ICCF Congress 2002
Soeren "The Red Viking" Peschardt (DEN) receiving title medals and certificates
from ICCF president Alan Borwell (SCO) for the new title holders from Denmark.
In the left shot that's ICCF Qualifications Commissioner George Pyrich (SCO) in the background.
In the right you can glimpse ICCF General Secretary Alan Rawlings (ENG).

ICCF Congress 2002
The playing hall where the ICCF played a 30 board match against a local
chess club supplemented by the Portugal Correspondence Chess Federation
(CNXC) players. The ICCF won 16.5 - 13.5.

ICCF Congress 2002
Left to right facing camera: Tim Harding - delegate for Ireland,
V. Eugen Demian - delegate for Romania, and
Carlos Cranbourne - Latin American Zonal Director
playing their games.

ICCF Congress 2002
The ICCF Presidium, seated, and the ICCF Commissioners, standing
Left to right standing: Carlos Cranbourne, Chris Luers, Egbert Bösenberg, George Pyrich,
Grayling Hill, Gerhard Binder, Evelin Radosztics, Ralph Marconi, Josef Mrkvicka
Seated: Carlos Flores Gutiérrez, Ragnar Wikman,
Alan Borwell, Alan Rawlings, Pedro Hegoburu
In the same order, the ICCF positions are:
Carlos Cranbourne - Zonal Director - 2. Latin America
Chris Luers - ICCF Email Office Commissioner
Egbert Bösenberg - Zonal Director - 1. Europe
George Pyrich - Qualifications Commissioner
Grayling Hill - Executive Officer
Gerhard Binder - Rating Commissioner
Evelin Radosztics - Webmaster
Ralph Marconi - Zonal Director - 3. North America/ Pacific
Josef Mrkvicka - Title Tournaments Commissioner
Carlos Flores Gutiérrez - Treasurer
Ragnar Wikman - Deputy President - Rules
Alan Borwell - President
Alan Rawlings - General Secretary
Pedro Hegoburu - Marketing Director

posted 8-Oct-2002

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