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May 2004 cover: Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2004 European Women's Champion
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BCM Chess Book Reviews : May 2004

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BCF BOOK OF THE YEAR 2004 read the citation on the BCF website
Pal Benko: My Life, Games and Compositions by Pal Benko and Jeremy Silman, Siles, 668 pages hardcover, £31.50.

Pal Benko: My Life, Games and Compositions by Pal Benko and Jeremy Silman

Two other writers are credited on the cover: John Watson who provides an opening survey and Susan Polgar who contributes the foreword. Silman, who has an enviable reputation as a writer, explains the background to the creation of this volume: he wanted to create a chess biography of a man that Silman “admired, who was part of chess history, who played many beautiful games, and who lived a colourful life that transcended mere chess concerns – life and death struggles, sexuality, financial stability etc.” All this and more can be found here. Benko overcame many difficulties when young, including political imprisonment, but always remained resilient, hardworking and resourceful. How many grandmasters can look back on a successful playing career, financial security and a happy marriage? This autobiography, including 138 annotated games and a chapter on “creating the Benko Gambit” totals no less than 409 pages. The social side is covered by Silman’s revealing interviews with Benko, Evans and Gross.
   Benko was a formidable player and would have done even better without his addiction to time trouble. He was also an original and creative theorist particularly in the openings. A section of 125 pages, a book in itself, titled “Pal Benko’s Creativity, an Openings Survey” has been written by John Watson. This is authoritative and as interesting, as you would expect from this eminent writer.
   As he played less, Benko’s attention turned to problems and end game studies where he has established a worldwide reputation as a composer. The last section (91 pages) includes a comprehensive collection of his compositions of all types.
   The book is beautifully printed, contains many excellent photographs and vignettes of chess players and personalities. All in all, a quite remarkable volume, weighing in at 2lb 10oz (1.19 kgs), one of the heaviest chess books this reviewer has seen. It is also one of the best. Review by Ray Edwards


New in Chess Yearbook 70, Ed. Sosonko, New in Chess, 242 pages, £16.95.

New in Chess Yearbook 70

The latest issue includes the usual features including Sosonko’s Corner, book reviews (Flear comparing different books about the French Defence by Watson and Psakhis), and 33 opening surveys, with contributions by Almasi, Glek and many others. JS


Encyclopedia of Chess Openings D (4th edition), Informator, 607 pages hardcover, £25.00.

Encyclopedia of Chess Openings D (4th edition)

This edition has been updated and has an additional 56 pages of new material covering 1 d4 d5, 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 followed by 3...d5, Queen’s Gambit (Slav, QG Accepted, Orthodox, etc.), etc. Up to date to Informator 88, this remains a good and useful reference tome, and is less expensive and troublesome to replace than a stolen laptop when taken to tournaments. JS


Judit Polgar: The Princess of Chess by Tibor Karolyi, Batsford, 288 pages, £15.99.

Judit Polgar: The Princess of Chess - Karolyi

The author of this collection of games by the world’s greatest female player benefits from a close early connection with the Polgar family. Consequently it is filled with very interesting snippets about Judit Polgar’s early years. As regards the later part of her career, Karolyi seems to have lost his personal contact with the Polgar family and lot of what he has to say appears to be speculation rather than hard fact. That said, it contains a lot of interesting information that has not been published before about Judit Polgar. The main body of the book is devoted to the 89 annotated games and a discussion of the Polgar style. JS


The Complete Sicilian, Volume 1 by Attila Schneider, Caissa Kft, 237 pages, £14.99.

The Complete Sicilian, Volume 1 by Attila Schneider

This book purports to be a complete survey of the most popular opening in chess. Two sample games are given for every major variation, showing the strategies for White and for Black. This first volume of two covers the Sicilian Gambit, the Morra, the Richter-Rauzer, 2 c3, and the Rubinstein, Sveshnikov, Paulsen, Sozin, Benko, and Boleslavsky variations. JS


Teach Yourself in Chess Openings: Modern Practice 1...Nc6!? by Igor Berdichevsky, Russian Chess House, 200 pages hardcover, £13.99.Teach Yourself in Chess Openings: Modern Practice 1...Nc6!? by Igor Berdichevsky

Another cheap and cheerful title from Russia, laid out in almost identical style to Informator. There is no textual content as such, so the ‘teach yourself’ aspect of the title is not too relevant, but it is a reasonable collection of 300+ games with 1...Nc6!? against both 1 e4 and 1 d4, topped off with 50 typical positions where you have to select the most appropriate move. JS



Giuoco Piano CD-ROM by Reinhold Ripperger, ChessBase CD-ROM, £18.50.C.J.S. Purdy?s Fine Art of Chess Annotation and Other Thoughts Vol. 1


The Giuoco Piano is everyone’s first chess opening but it still counts on a fair number of adherents at more sophisticated levels of the game. The author has assembled a database of more than 44,000 games, plus texts and 160 training games. The book covers everything starting 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4, except for 3...Nf6. A well-organised disk from one of ChessBase’s most efficient author/collators. JS




The Greatest Tournaments in the History of Chess 1851-1986, ChessBase CD-ROM, £21.50.The Greatest Tournaments in the History of Chess 1851-1986

A collection of 6,800 games from the 50 top tournaments held from London 1851 to Bugojno 1986, plus an illustrated tournament report of each. As well as some archive photos, the reports include a crosstable and links to annotated games on the database. Tournament reports are in reasonable English and mainly culled from continental magazines. Game annotations are more varied, some Informator-style, others in English, and some only in German. Text, crosstables and photos look a bit too big on a computer screen of 800x600 pixels. JS


Informator 86-88 in PGN, Informator CD-ROM, £37.00.Informator 86-88 in PGN

This CD-ROM contains all the games from three volumes of Informator (nos. 86 to 88) in PGN format, so that you can read it using the software of your choice; or alternatively use the stand-alone chess database reader to play through the games and analysis. 1,518 annotated games and 1,303 game fragments played between October 2002 and September 2003. JS


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