Asian Games summary

(Asian Games | Asian Indoor Games) See context-sensitive help
no. host city year 1st 2nd 3rd system boards teams players games PGN
1. New Delhi India 1951 Chess was not part of the games.
2. Manilla Philippines 1954 Chess was not part of the games.
3. Tokyo Japan 1958 Chess was not part of the games.
4. Jakarta Indonesia 1962 Chess was not part of the games.
5. Bangkok Thailand 1966 Chess was not part of the games.
6. Bangkok Thailand 1970 Chess was not part of the games.
7. Teheran Iran 1974 Chess was not part of the games.
8. Bangkok Thailand 1978 Chess was not part of the games.
9. New Delhi India 1982 Chess was not part of the games.
10. Seoul South Korea 1986 Chess was not part of the games.
11. Beijing China 1990 Chess was not part of the games.
12. Hiroshima Japan 1994 Chess was not part of the games.
13. Bangkok Thailand 1998 Chess was not part of the games.
14. Busan South Korea 2002 Chess was not part of the games.
15. Doha View tournament crosstable Qatar 2006 IND CHN IRI S-9 3 21 63 270 PGN
16. Guangzhou China 2010 Has not been played yet.
17. Incheon South Korea 2014 Has not been played yet.