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Australian Chess Enterprises    australia's premier chess supplier

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the next event from our database is Nell van de Graaf Classic (QLD) new at Gold Coast on Sat 20/09/08 . for more information see more.


Pocket Fritz 3 new
CHESS_ACE, Wed 17 September 2008 10.07pm - Pocket Fritz 3 has arrived. for more information see more. (0809101211)


The Genius and Misery of Chess
CHESS_ACE, Wed 3 September 2008 11.18am - The interesting new historical book, The Genius and Misery of Chess, has arrived. for more information see more. (0809031118)


ChessBase 10 arrived!
CHESS_ACE, Wed 30 July 2008 12.00am - ChessBase 10 has arrived! for more information see more. (0806270507)


Moral Victories
CHESS_ACE, Sun 20 April 2008 12.00am - Moral Victories: Savielly Tarkatower, launched at the 2008 SIO, is an excellent historical book (no games) written by David Lovejoy. for more information see more. (0804200317)



Black is OK Forever.
Group: BOOKS. Detail: . Product Code: 0713489421.
Category: NONE. Publisher: Batsford.
Retail Price: AUD $34.95 (includes GST)
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Too many chess players adopt an unnecessarily defensive approach with the Black pieces when they should be more ambitious and strive immediately for doubleedged positions with winning chances. Adorjan offers concrete opening variations and illustrative games designed to achieve this, alongside a philosophy to generate a positive state of mind when entering a battle


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For more information from the manufacturer please visit

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DGT 2010 Clock. CLOCKS. $99.00.
Deluxe Tournament Scorebook. . $19.95.
Accelerated Dragon Assault! DVD. BADBISHOP. $49.95.
Big Database 2008. CB CHESSBA. $95.00.
2004 Chess Calendar. . $0.95.
ACF Olympiad Appeal 2008. ACF (2008). $100.00.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.

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