Pocket ChessPartner 1.0 Engine update 31mar2002 A compatability problem was discovered between books created with the PC version of ChessPartner and Pocket ChessPartner. This problem has been fixed in this engine update. Installation instructions: - Be sure to use the engine for the correct CPU (Arm, sh3 or mips) - On the device make sure Pocket ChessPartner is not running. - Start ActiveSync - Explore Device - Navigate to the directory where Pocket ChessPartner is installed. (default is: \Program Files\ChessPartner - Replace the pcpengin.dll file with the one from the update. Thats all. How to use book created by ChessPartner for the PC: The Pocket ChessPartner book is called "lchess.bk1" with this engine update you can simply replace this file with any book you may have created with ChessPartner for the PC. Only limitation is the filename must be "lchess.bk1"