Bill Smith's Unofficial Cub Scout Roundtable
A compendium of Ideas For Cubmasters, Den Leaders and those who help them.
Boy Behavior

Blue and Gold
Character & Ethics
Cheers & Applause Stunts
Cub Scout Camping
Den Program Planning
District and Council
Good Turn For America
Jamboree 2001
Outdoor Fun
Pack Administration
Pack Meetings
Places to Go
Preparation For Boy Scouts
Scout Links
Three Magic Words
Webelos Activity Badges


You never know when you will be called upon to help someone in an emergency --at the store, while hiking, babysitting, or elsewhere. The Readyman activity badge is designed to help the Webelos get ready for these emergencies. Youth and children are not too young to help others!
Doctor, nurse, police, paramedic, EMT, fireman, Red Cross instructor, school or company nurse, Urgent Care facility manager, ski patrol, park ranger, hospital or emergency room worker, disaster planner.
Safety Inspection
Arrange a behind-the-scenes tour of a parent's work to review the safety procedures and precautions used there. Do they have rules posted? Have fire drills? Have First Aid Kit?
Tour a hotel, restaurant, high-rise apartment building, hospital, church or other public place and ask the same questions.
Inspect your den or pack meeting place. Plan steps for use in an emergency during a den meeting.
Plan an emergency procedures for five locations where your family usually goes, such as the church, theater, restaurant, the beach, relatives' house, etc. How do you call for help? Where would you meet if separated by a fire? What health situations are in your family?
Be Prepared
Make a list of items, which your family would need to be prepared for a storm, electricity outage, tornado, or other significant event. Make specialized lists of items that are seasonal. Example: during wintertime blizzards you would need extra blankets, but you wouldn't need them during a severe thunderstorm in the summer.
Prepare a shelter area in your house and store some of these items there. Tape your lists on the wall. Each season review your specialized lists and add or remove items from your shelter. Be sure to check batteries and food supplies for freshness.
All-season items could include radio, candles, matches, flashlights, first aid kit, bottled water, canned food, manual can opener, rope, and eating utensils. Also consider pillows, deck of cards, pet leashes and food, life jackets, personal identification and emergency phone numbers, hammer and nails, emergency flares.
Talk to the Red Cross Disaster team and find out what they do to help. What equipment do they have? Where are supplies stored? How are volunteers contacted?
Who is in charge of disaster coordination for a city or region? How many agencies are on the notification list.
Den Meetings
  • Discuss first aid. Practice the treatment for “hurry cases.”
  • Put together a first aid kit for your den.
  • Practice mouth to mouth resuscitation on a mannequin.
  • Talk about where and how to get help in various emergency situations.
  • Consult the Boy Scout Field Book for safe bicycling tips.
  • Make floor plans showing a home fire escape route.
  • Discuss home fire escape procedures.
  • Make posters showing how and where home accidents are most likely to happen.
  • Review bicycle safety rules.
  • Plan a bicycle reflector campaign.
  • Have a bicycle obstacle course competition.
  • Review safe swim defense plan.
    • Ask an off duty local rescue squad or ambulance corps to demonstrate some first aid situations and techniques.
    • Ask a member of the local Red Cross or emergency trauma team to visit your den and show you how to save lives by learning:
    • Consult with the local fire marshal, emergency services team, or police department to find out how to plan an emergency escape route, or find where most home accidents are likely to occur in and around the home.
    • Consult the Boy Scout Field Book for safe bicycling tips.
    • Heart of America Council
    Places To Go
  • fire station
  • Red Cross center
  • trauma center
  • Pack Activities
  • Stage a bicycle rodeo.
  • Stage a fire drill during a pack meeting.
  • Invite a local Scout troop to come and do a first aid demonstration.
  • Circle Ten Council
    Tie Slides
    MR. YUK
    Since most poisonings involve household chemicals in the kitchen, check your own home before making this slide.
    Mr. Yuk stickers are available from hospitals, doctors or poison control centers.  Glue one onto a plastic milk carton lid.  Hot glue a leather strip to the back for the slide loop.
    Thin piece of wood or tongue depressor
    Pipe cleaner
    Clear contact paper
    Cut a thin piece of wood or tongue depressor the shape of a Band-Aid.
    Make 2 holes in the middle and make a pipe cleaner ring.
    Then stick on a real Band-Aid and cover.


    Equipment: Blanket or tarp; collection of 10 or more first aid items: gauze pads, bandages, splints, etc. Also 10 or more items not used in first aid: penny, photo, shoe, etc.
    Spread all items on the floor and cover with blanket or tarp. Group teams around blanket, then remove cover for exactly 1 minute. Afterward, teams huddle separately and write down all first aid items they remember.
    Scoring: Team with most complete list wins. Subtract 1 point for each non-first aid or absent item listed.
    Preparation: neckerchiefs;
    participants divided into 2 teams
    Two teams – half the members of each team are firemen, the other half are victims and are laying on their backs. On signal, the first fireman runs up to his victim, ties his wrists together with a neckerchief, and pulls him back to the starting line with the fireman’s drag. He touches off the next fireman, who then rescues his victim. First team to bring in all their victims wins.


    Scouts line up facing a single turn-around post located 30 feet from the starting line. Scouts on each team shall be numbered from 1 to 8. On signal, Scouts #1 and 2 will carry Scout #3 with a four-hand seat carry (for conscious patient) up to and around the turn-around post and back to the starting line. Scout #3 will then join with #4 to carry #5 around the course. Then #5 will join #6 to carry #7 around, and finally #7 will join with #8 and carry #1 around. If at any time a victim touches the ground, the Scouts transporting this victim must stop, re-form their carry, and continue. The first team to make the full circuit with the four victims is the winner.
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