REM Convert a NASSYS Load "L" File to a NASCOM ROM File: REM ==================================================== REM run with QBASIC.EXE or BASIC Compiler 7.1 BC.EXE defint a-z Input "Input NASCOM LOAD File ...............: ";nas$ Input "Output NASCOM ROM File ................: ";rom$ open nas$ for input as #1 open rom$ for binary as #2 while not eof(1) line input #1,a$: a$=ltrim$(a$) if left$(a$,1)<>"." and left$(a$,1) <> "T" then for i=1 to 8 buf$=buf$+chr$(val("&H"+mid$(a$, i*3+3,2))) next endif wend put #2,,buf$ close #2: close #1 end