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Australian Chess Enterprises

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the next event from our database is ANU Open (ACT) new at Canberra on Sat 26/07/08 . for more information see more.


1000 The Best of the Best new
CHESS_ACE, Tue 22 July 2008 6.36am - 1000 The Best of the Best has arrived with the best 1000 games ever played. for more information see more. (0807131033)


Details on Mackay Open on 2 August
CHESS_GENERAL, Fri 11 July 2008 10.54am - Details on Mackay Open on 2 August. for more information see more. (0807131054)

Informant 101
CHESS_ACE, Wed 2 July 2008 12.50pm - Informant 101 has arrived. for more information see more. (0807021250)


ChessBase 10 Preorder
CHESS_ACE, Fri 27 June 2008 12.00am - ChessBase 10, due to arrive in Australia in August 2008, can be preordered. for more information see more. (0806270507)


Albin Countergambit
CHESS_ACE, Thu 26 June 2008 10.06am - The new software on the Albin Countergambit has arrived. for more information see more. (0806261006)


Latest Myer Tan scores
CHESS_ACE, Fri 13 June 2008 12.00am - Latest Myer Tan Grand Prix scores. IM Solomon has a 20 point lead in the Open! for more information see more. (0806131158)

The Chebanenko Slav
CHESS_ACE, Sun 8 June 2008 12.00am - The new book, The Chebanenko Slav, has arrived. for more information see more. (0806081046)


Chess for Scoundrels
CHESS_ACE, Thu 1 May 2008 12.00am - The new software, Chess for Scoundrels: Psychology, by GM Nigel Davies has arrived! for more information see more. (0805010945)



The Magic of Chess Tactics.
Group: BOOKS. Detail: Meyer & Muller. Product Code: 1888690143.
Category: BASICS. Publisher: Russell.
Price: AUD $39.95 Now $34.00 (18% discount!!)
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Chess is 99% tactics. So to be a good chess player, you have to spend a lot of your training time on tactics. Although basic tactics are explained in a number good books, complicated tactics the kind that separate tournament winners from the pack require intuition, imagination and precision. The Magic of Chess Tactics helps you develop these qualities.Aimed primarily at aspiring chess players from club to master level who seriously want to improve their chess understanding, The Magic of Chess Tactics provides examples selected for both their entertainment and instructional value as well as detailed explanations and exercises.Claus Dieter Meyer, chess author and FIDE Master, is a well known analyst and professional chess trainer. Karsten Mller is an International Grandmaster and coauthor, along with Frank Lamprecht, of the highly acclaimed Secrets of Pawn Endings and Fundamental Chess Endings. His popular monthly column Endgame Corner appears right here at"I have come to realise that there are basically two types of chess tactics. First, simple kinds of combinations you need to know when you start to play chess. I still believe they are the basis of everything. Things that computers see in a halfsecond. But the book is not about them. For those simple tactics, old Koblentz books are more than enough. This book is about complicated chess tactics, the kind you sometimes need hours of analysis just to discover the truth of the position. It's hard to see and calculate perfectly on the board; one needs intuition, imagination and precision.


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For more information from the manufacturer please visit

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Take & Mate. Alberston,. $10.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.

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