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Australian Chess Enterprises

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the next event from our database is Nell van de Graaf Classic (QLD) new at Gold Coast on Sat 20/09/08 . for more information see more.


The Genius and Misery of Chess new
CHESS_ACE, Sat 6 September 2008 8.33pm - The interesting new historical book, The Genius and Misery of Chess, has arrived. for more information see more. (0809031118)


ChessBase 10 arrived!
CHESS_ACE, Wed 30 July 2008 12.00am - ChessBase 10 has arrived! for more information see more. (0806270507)


Moral Victories
CHESS_ACE, Sun 20 April 2008 12.00am - Moral Victories: Savielly Tarkatower, launched at the 2008 SIO, is an excellent historical book (no games) written by David Lovejoy. for more information see more. (0804200317)



Australian Chess 1961 to 1970.
Group: BOOKS. Detail: Wright, Tony. Product Code: AUST1961-1970.
Category: AUSTRALIAN. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $44.00 (includes GST)
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Bob Wade: Tribute to a Master. Cannon, Ra. $49.95.
Victory in the Opening. Lane, G. $19.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.

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