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Australian Chess Enterprises    australia's premier chess supplier

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the next event from our database is ANU Open (ACT) new at Canberra on Sat 26/07/08 . for more information see more.


1000 The Best of the Best new
CHESS_ACE, Tue 22 July 2008 12.52am - 1000 The Best of the Best has arrived with the best 1000 games ever played. for more information see more. (0807131033)


Details on Mackay Open on 2 August
CHESS_GENERAL, Fri 11 July 2008 10.54am - Details on Mackay Open on 2 August. for more information see more. (0807131054)

Informant 101
CHESS_ACE, Wed 2 July 2008 12.50pm - Informant 101 has arrived. for more information see more. (0807021250)


ChessBase 10 Preorder
CHESS_ACE, Fri 27 June 2008 12.00am - ChessBase 10, due to arrive in Australia in August 2008, can be preordered. for more information see more. (0806270507)


Albin Countergambit
CHESS_ACE, Thu 26 June 2008 10.06am - The new software on the Albin Countergambit has arrived. for more information see more. (0806261006)


Latest Myer Tan scores
CHESS_ACE, Fri 13 June 2008 12.00am - Latest Myer Tan Grand Prix scores. IM Solomon has a 20 point lead in the Open! for more information see more. (0806131158)

The Chebanenko Slav
CHESS_ACE, Sun 8 June 2008 12.00am - The new book, The Chebanenko Slav, has arrived. for more information see more. (0806081046)


Chess for Scoundrels
CHESS_ACE, Thu 1 May 2008 12.00am - The new software, Chess for Scoundrels: Psychology, by GM Nigel Davies has arrived! for more information see more. (0805010945)



Fritz Technique Trainer.
Group: SOFTWARE. Detail: CB FRITZ. Product Code: CBFTT.
Retail Price: AUD $39.95 (includes GST)
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Winning won positions who would not like to be able to do that, but has often enough fallen down on the job? For many people it is even the main problem when playing chess: they often have such good positions and nothing comes out of it. What then could be closer to their heart than training to convert winning positions naturally with Fritz! To bring this about, Henrik Schloessner has sought out positions, which can be won even against the cool program itself. It is rarely about finding combinations to solve the problem. Usually the win can be achieved in different ways. But there are always a few obstacles to be swept out of the way, and then you will always experience the sweet smell of success.


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For more information from the manufacturer please visit

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Deep Hiarcs 12. CB FRITZ. $199.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.

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