online chess
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July 5, 2008: Conditional moves
The new and improved "conditional moves" option is now available (the link is located below each game board).

May 24, 2008: GameKnot links and widgets
We've added a few more ways you can link to GameKnot, including a customizable active widget that displays your current rating and stats.

April 27, 2008: Chess games database
An improved version of GameKnot's online chess games database is now available. It includes a database of over 700,000 games played outside of GameKnot by various players rated 1900 and above.

February 1, 2008: Chess puzzles
Several improvements to the chess puzzles section, including the ability to enter your own solution to an existing puzzle, possibly even finding a quicker way to checkmate (under "Options…" -> "Alt.solution…").

January 25, 2008: Daily puzzle
You can now add GameKnot's daily puzzle to your own website/blog. The puzzle is automatically updated once a day, of course.

November 10, 2007: Chess puzzles
A greatly improved chess puzzles section of GameKnot website is now available.

October 14, 2007: Team co-captains
By popular demand, teams can have up to 3 co-captains now. Team captains can promote regular team members to a co-captain status via "manage the team" link (same as for team captains, a Platinum or Titanium premium membership is required for co-captains as well). Co-captains can challenge other teams to a team match, and accept or decline other team's challenges.

September 1, 2007: Spellchecker
A "spellcheck" button is now available for most text entry fields on GameKnot (private messages and game comments, club forum posts, additional info in player's profile, etc.). It currently supports English language only and allows both American and British spellings.

August 21, 2007: Emergency game postponement
Announcing a new GameKnot feature: automatic emergency postponement.

July 25, 2007: Publish a game
You can use GameKnot's free interactive chess game viewer "iChess" to publish chess games on your own website or blog.

May 1, 2007: Player stats
Player stats are now available broken down into 3 different time periods: past 90 days, past year and all rated games. "Past year" and "all games" stats do not include the first 20 rated games (i.e. the provisional rating period). Also, the up and down arrows denote whether the corresponding number is above or below the same stat in the next tab (i.e. "past 90 days" numbers relative to the "past year", and "past year" relative to "all games" tab).

March 13, 2007: Analyze the board
Several additions to "analyze the board" page: animation of the movement of chess pieces (speed can be set via "Options..." link located at the bottom of the page), possible valid moves are shown when a chess piece is selected (also optional) and, long overdue, checkmate detection has been added as well.

March 3, 2007: Annotated games
It is now possible for other players to add comments to annotated games (in effect, kibitzing). Also, linking directly to a specific annotated game (with comments) from your own website.

February 27, 2007: Avatars
By popular demand, the maximum avatar size has been increased for premium subscribers to 50x40 pixels. Also, avatars are now being shown in club forum posts.

February 16, 2007: Customize active games list
The active games list can now be customized by adding a new column showing each game's relative score (i.e. the material value of pieces remaining on the board).

January 15, 2007: Team ladder
A new form of team competition is now available: Team ladder (rules).

August 8, 2006: Club forums
By popular demand, it is now possible to post chess diagrams in the club forums. Simply use fen= code followed by a FEN notation in quotation marks to insert a chess diagram for any given position on the board. For example, the following code will produce a chess diagram of the posi