Book review by David Daniels

I get asked which of the books carried by Chick Publications is the strongest, most scholarly argument for defense of the KJV. The answer is that each book published or distributed by Chick Publications has its own strengths. I will classify them, then give you my personal recommendation.

An Understandable History of the Bible, by Dr. Samuel Gipp: A simple history of the Preserved and Perverted Bible streams. Written for the average reader, who does not want lots of footnotes.

If the Foundations Be Destroyed, by Chick Salliby: A clear look into how the switch to the Alexandrian Bibles changes specific doctrines in specific verses. This is a must-have for EVERYONE! PERIOD!

Final Authority, by William P. Grady: A very fine treatment of the history leading up to the translation of the King James Bible, and of the perversions that tried over the centuries to destroy it. There are many factoids here that make you want to pencil your own outlines as you go along. I will actually be making some charts for the Web site based partially upon the excellent information that is given life in Grady's book. Another must-have.

Let's Weigh the Evidence, by Barry Burton: Written to High Schoolers, this book is understandable to anyone who can read. The graphics by Chick illustrators carries the meaning along with aplomb. Not detailed, but for its size and amount of text, it is quite comprehensive in scope. Everyone's kid and every adult who does not like to read text without pictures will love this.

New Age Bible Versions, by Gail Riplinger: Mrs. Riplinger's 6-year investigation of Bible texts and translations led her to unlock the more sinister aspects to the creation of a Common "bible" based on the Alexandrian perverted texts. Very detailed, and better to read after reading some other available books. Then you will be able to understand her better.

The Answer Book, By Samuel Gipp: If you want quick (and I do mean quick) answers to troubling Bible questions, this book puts them at your fingertips. Gipp at times has his tongue planted in his cheek (Check out his reference to "steak."). If you remember that, you will enjoy and profit better from his book. Also available for online reading.

The King James Bible Companion, by David W. Daniels: My little 24-page book, giving simple definitions to well over 500 of the so-called "archaic" words that you will not find in your dictionary (or if you do, the definition will be incorrect). Since it only costs 49 cents, I think you can well afford "two" books! :)

The Language of the King James Bible, by Gail Riplinger: Deals specifically with the fact that the context of the King James reveals the meanings of its "archaic" words. Interesting examples and conclusion. Also a reference to the first times a word is used carrying the word's meaning. (In my little book, I give the first reference [at least] in the Bible of each word).

Which Bible Is God's Word?, by Gail Riplinger: Not documented, this is a transcribed set of radio interviews regarding the King James, etc. It was a jumping-off point for me in my original research. I was so concerned with not finding documentation for what she said, that I researched and bought more books to find out the background to this book!

I recommend Final Authority, by William P. Grady. It has so much information, written in such an engaging manner, that I believe what it has to say will arm you mightily against the adversary. It will also give you reason to feel confident in your choice of holding on to God's Preserved Words--The King James Bible.

May God bless and assist you in your choice of books.

Read answers to your Bible version questions by David Daniels.