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Game: Correlator Chess
Created by Mats Winther, 2008-08-23
version 1.1
4 variants
requires ZoG 2.0


download 37 K
Updated 2008-08-30

Better play. Introduced Donkey variants. Fix bug where choosing personality B variant didn't affect play.


Extra pieces are the Correlators which move as queens but capture in cooperation with the king. After a Correlator move, enemy pieces are captured (1) at the intersections of the orthogonals (2) at the intersections of the diagonals (on which king and Correlator are placed). So capture occurs at queen move distance from the king, at rectangular and triangular intersection points. The Correlator can capture several pieces at once.

The Correlator's strength corresponds to that of a rook. In the endgame it could be very useful as it's easier for the king to be active. Correlator Chess is inspired by Coordinator Chess, but the Correlator can be more active than the Coordinator due to its numerous capture possibilities. It is an interesting concept while the king can be active in the middlegame and threaten enemy pieces at a distance.

It could be a good idea to put the king at risk by keeping it active in opening and middlegame. In this way the capture opportunities of the Correlators are increased. To realize a pawn majority in the endgame could be very difficult if the opponent still has recourse to a Correlator. The Correlator can effectively stop a pawn's advance from afar.


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(37 K)

Correlator Chess

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