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  1. 'The Paper' Boards Dive into discussions about 'The Paper' cast, episodes and anything else you want. Sign up, sign in, and start discussing.

  2. Season Finale Highlights Check out pictures from the season finale of 'The Paper'.

  3. The Circuit Goes To College Find out what's in the future for all The Circuit Staffers.

The Paper Blog

  1. Which MTV Reality Stars Have It MADE…Part 2 6/17/08 1:24pm EST

  2. Friends of Amanda Lorber Unite! Paper Supporters Come Out In Droves 6/4/08 5:05pm EST

  3. You Haven’t Heard The Last of Paper Girl, Amanda Lorber! 6/2/08 1:16pm EST

  1. View All The Paper Posts

More ...

  1. The Political Issue Now that you've seen the heaviest hitting paper yet, read about it all in this issue of The Circuit.

  2. Team Bonding Highlights Watch how 'The Circuit' team came together when Mrs. Weiss brings up the idea of a Team Building Activity.

  3. 'The Paper' On Rhapsody Download all the tracks from tonights episode.

About the Show

Welcome to Cypress Bay High School -- home of the award-winning newspaper The Circuit. Its fiercely competitive student staff exhibits the aptitude, pride and ambition of future leaders, and they want the world to know it.

Between struggling to keep the peace with each other, maintaining good grades and managing extracurricular activities, these students have their hands full. But they still put their hearts and souls into writing memorable stories and making the best paper they possibly can.

Every day, the paper's dynamic personalities battle it out to see who has what it takes to produce news that's fit to print. Journalism is taken very seriously at The Circuit, and its staff is a truly ambitious bunch.

For many soon-to-be seniors, it's time to battle it out for the position of editor-in-chief. But only one will score the top slot.

Meet Amanda, the paper's copy editor. She checks the grammar and flow of all the stories, but she prefers to oversee everything. Amanda sees herself as enthusiastic and driven, but some staffers think she's on a power trip. To win them over, she may have to learn some tough lessons.

Amanda will face-off against her good friend, Alex, the paper's sports editor. Alex, who's a friend to everyone, is a gifted writer but he's looking to branch out and cover more ground as a journalist -- and as editor-in-chief.

Then there's the business manager, Adam, who has a flair for the dramatic. Adam doesn't do anything halfway, which is exactly why he thinks he has a good shot at becoming editor-in-chief.

Also in the running is Giana. She's the paper's clubs editor and although a strong contender for editor-in-chief, she sometimes gets distracted by her co-worker and boyfriend, Trevor.

Speaking of Trevor, you can never count him out. As a math genius and layout king, he's always angling in on something. Trevor, along with Cassia, the staff's most vocal activist, and Dan, the staff's most vocal, well, the staff's most vocal... you never know who will come out on top.

The pressure is on at The Circuit to become the paper's "Big E." But as the drama unfolds, who'll excel and who'll have a meltdown? And once the decision is made, will they stay friends till the end?

Find out what it takes to build an editorial team and run an award- winning paper. Follow the staff of The Circuit from beginning to end, from brainstorming to getting the pages to the printer. And with a new editor-in-chief in charge, watch the drama unfold!

