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The Rasterbator
The Rasterbator creates huge, rasterized images from any picture. Upload an image, print the resulting multi-page pdf file and assemble the pages into extremely cool looking poster up to 20 meters in size.

Rasterbate off-line without size or resolution limits

The Rasterbator is very easy to use. You can either upload a file from your computer or use any file that is publicly available in the Internet. After you have cropped the image and selected a desired size, the rasterbated image will be sent to you as an easily printable pdf file.

Using The Rasterbator requires that you have Adobe Flash Player 7 and Adobe Reader (or other pdf viewer).

The Rasterbator uses the excellent iText# library in pdf generation. We extend our gratitude to the development team!

Rasterbation gallery
Please please please take a photograph of your rasterbated image and submit it to the gallery!

Help and advice

External rasterbation links:
What do they look like?
More images in
Rasterbation gallery

In 1645 days 46 613 093 pages of rasticulate consuming 3 049 367 878 kb have been created. Total surface area: 3 580 923 m2. It would cover 8,14% of Vatican City or 397,88 km of two-laned highway.