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Register to homokaasu.orgregister to

Enter your data
Select your username carefully - it is the only data that you cannot change afterwards. The username is case-insensitive.
Password again: 
The password must be 4-12 characters long. Please select a password not common with any critical services such as email, Linux shell account or online shops. It is reasonably safe to share a password with services such as web message boards. The password is case-sensitive.
Your email address will not be published anywhere. You do not need to enter it, but should you forget your password you're in big trouble.
Personal web address: 
If you wish and dare to bloat the world who you are, enter the URL of your home page.
This will save your credentials into a cookie. Whenever you enter the site, you will be logged in automatically. Uncheck the box if you share the computer you are using with suspicious people.
Please type in the 5 characters you see in the picture above:
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