Vassily Ivanchuk
Number of games in database: 2,245
Years covered: 1984 to 2008
Current FIDE rating: 2781
Highest rating achieved in database: 2787
Overall record: +657 -221 =911 (62.2%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.
      456 exhibition games, odds games, etc. are excluded from this statistic.

With the White pieces:
 Sicilian (240) 
    B90 B33 B32 B84 B42
 Ruy Lopez (111) 
    C92 C88 C89 C78 C84
 King's Indian (71) 
    E92 E97 E94 E62 E76
 French Defense (70) 
    C11 C07 C10 C05 C09
 Ruy Lopez, Closed (60) 
    C92 C88 C89 C84 C99
 Queen's Indian (55) 
    E15 E12 E16 E17 E18
With the Black pieces:
 Sicilian (211) 
    B90 B33 B42 B43 B30
 Ruy Lopez (111) 
    C92 C77 C84 C88 C67
 Grunfeld (67) 
    D85 D80 D73 D97 D94
 Queen's Indian (64) 
    E15 E12 E17 E19 E14
 French Defense (60) 
    C11 C05 C18 C07 C12
 King's Indian (55) 
    E60 E92 E97 E81 E94
Repertoire Explorer

NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   Ivanchuk vs Kasparov, 1991 1-0
   Kasparov vs Ivanchuk, 1995 0-1
   Ivanchuk vs Shirov, 1996 1-0
   Ivanchuk vs Karjakin, 2008 1-0
   Ivanchuk vs Topalov, 2007 1-0
   Ivanchuk vs Kasparov, 1994 1-0
   Morozevich vs Ivanchuk, 2004 0-1
   Topalov vs Ivanchuk, 1999 0-1
   Shirov vs Ivanchuk, 1992 0-1
   Ivanchuk vs Anand, 2007 1-0

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS: [what is this?]
   FIDE World Championship Knockout Tournament (2001)

GAME COLLECTIONS: [what is this?]
   Hilarity with Ivan C. by ughaibu
   Ivanchuk! by larrewl
   2001-2007, 4.g3 Ba6 5.b3 or 5.Nbd2, Rated 2700+ by cybermarauder
   Reykjavik World Cup 1991 by suenteus po 147
   Radjabov vs. Ivanchuk by percyblakeney
   Ivanchuk: chess genius by notyetagm
   Lev Polugajevky Chess Tourn. Buenos Aires 1994 by whiteshark
   Tilburg Interpolis 1990 by suenteus po 147
   Linares 1992 by suenteus po 147
   Wijk aan Zee Corus 2001 by suenteus po 147
   Wijk aan Zee Hoogovens 1996 by suenteus po 147
   Wijk aan Zee Hoogovens 1999 by suenteus po 147
   Linares 1991 by suenteus po 147
   Linares 1993 by suenteus po 147

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(born Mar-18-1969) Ukraine

[what is this?]
Vassily Ivanchuk was born March 18, 1969, in Berejiany, Ukraine. On FIDE's April 2008 list, His Elo Rating was 2740, making him the #11 player in the world. He has been rated as high as second, behind Garry Kasparov and in October 2007, behind Viswanathan Anand with a peak rating of 2787. Recent good results in 2008 have seen him back into the top five.

His major tournament wins include the Corus Chess Tournament 1996 and in Linares in 1989, 1991, and 1995 but also his impressive win at M-Tel Masters (2008) with +6 =4 -0.. Ivanchuk lost to Ruslan Ponomariov in the final match of the 2002 FIDE World Chess Championship. Ivanchuk was runner up at the 7th European Individual Championship (2006) and recently won both the M-Tel Masters (2008) with a dominant 8/10 score and a 2959 performance rating, and the Tal Memorial (2008) with 6/9, a point ahead of the field.

 page 1 of 90; games 1-25 of 2,245 
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. F Hellers vs Ivanchuk ½-½30 1984 ChampignyB09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
2. Ivanchuk vs Smirin 1-033 1985 URSB64 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer Attack
3. Oll vs Ivanchuk 0-138 1985 KlaipedaD47 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
4. Gelfand vs Ivanchuk ½-½19 1985 USSRC05 French, Tarrasch
5. Ivanchuk vs B Moran 1-047 1985 Wch U20D44 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
6. Ivanchuk vs Dreev 1-032 1985 Leningrad (Russia)D31 Queen's Gambit Declined
7. C Horvath vs Ivanchuk 0-120 1985 Sharjah (United Arab Emirates)C05 French, Tarrasch
8. Ivanchuk vs Shakhvorostov 1-031 1985 YurmalaB87 Sicilian, Fischer-Sozin with ...a6 and ...b5
9. Ivanchuk vs Blatny 0-142 1985 SharjahC84 Ruy Lopez, Closed
10. Ivanchuk vs N Dobrev ½-½47 1985 SharjahD37 Queen's Gambit Declined
11. Y Kruppa vs Ivanchuk 0-130 1985 USSR 40/604E04 Catalan, Open, 5.Nf3
12. Serper vs Ivanchuk 0-124 1985 LeningradB77 Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
13. Serper vs Ivanchuk ½-½25 1985 URSC05 French, Tarrasch
14. Ivanchuk vs T Tabatadze 1-036 1985 LeningradB09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
15. Ivanchuk vs M Burgess  1-043 1986 GroningenB10 Caro-Kann
16. D Ruzele vs Ivanchuk  0-152 1986 SochiE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
17. Gelfand vs Ivanchuk  ½-½40 1986 USSRE04 Catalan, Open, 5.Nf3
18. Ivanchuk vs E Pigusov  ½-½41 1986 IrkutskD55 Queen's Gambit Declined
19. E Pigusov vs Ivanchuk  1-055 1986 TallinnA14 English
20. Dreev vs Ivanchuk ½-½52 1986 Champigny sur Marne (France)C26 Vienna
21. Ivanchuk vs Vyzmanavin  ½-½32 1986 MinskE00 Queen's Pawn Game
22. Ivanchuk vs Goldin ½-½94 1986 URS-FL IrkutskC92 Ruy Lopez, Closed
23. Ivanchuk vs K Grigorian 0-143 1986 PinskA58 Benko Gambit
24. Ivanchuk vs V Kuporosov  ½-½27 1986 USSR 41/(566)E04 Catalan, Open, 5.Nf3
25. Ivanchuk vs P San Segundo-Carrillo  1-043 1986 GroningenA56 Benoni Defense
 page 1 of 90; games 1-25 of 2,245 
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Ivanchuk wins | Ivanchuk loses  

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Kibitzer's Corner
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Sep-09-08   eremite: Just one scary novelty Be2 from Carlsen, and he was crushed by exhausted Vasyl
Sep-09-08   Billy Vaughan: Does Chucky get to rest after this tournament?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Mateo: In the interview after the game he won against Carlsen in Bilbao, Ivanchuk said he thought he found some novelties meanwhile he was dreaming. Another interesting point is that he founded some novelties during mass! Spassky said he found some ideas in the opening in his dreams, but bad ones, like refuting the Spanish!
Premium Chessgames Member
  malthrope: <Mateo: In the interview after the game he won against Carlsen in Bilbao, Ivanchuk said he thought he found some novelties meanwhile he was dreaming. [...]>

Thanks <Mateo> :) I'm one of the few dinosaurs left on the planet without functioning speakers! (internal sound card conflict yet to be resolved)... So, any tidbit of 'text' is greatly appreciated! :) - Mal

PS: Boris up to his old tricks - priceless! ;)

Premium Chessgames Member
  LKor: Excellent win against Carlsen yesterday! Though I'm a fan of the youngster, I fully appreciate the flawless play of Chucky and the killer moves he blitzed out while being short on time.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Geronimo: Yesterday's win was quite a gem. Very instructive in QGD with black. Is it my imagination or did Ivanchuk underperform during the first round. I'm sure he was exhausted after the two-fer at Tal, but if yesterday was an example, then he's still playing to win in Bilbao. I wish him all the best and I'd love to see him come from behind and get back into the competition.
Sep-10-08   eremite: Another wonderboy has been crushed by exhausted Vasyl today. Two rounds only, and he will have a break until some team tournaments.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Geronimo: Exhausted or not, the win today was amazing to watch. With less than two minutes Ivanchuk blitzed over twenty moves with Raja from a dead even closed position to a sure win. Clever time pressure strategy? It worked. I hope to see him win in Bilbao, making a strong case for player of the year....
Premium Chessgames Member
  Etienne: That time pressure and it's outcome was completely crazy especially considering that slow maneuvering game they had been playing for so long before.
Sep-10-08   Billy Vaughan: Ivanchuk's number one in the live ratings.

Ivanchuk 2791,3
Morozevich 2787,0
Carlsen 2786,2
Topalov 2785,2
Anand 2783,8

Sep-10-08   Billy Vaughan: Great picture from last round:
Premium Chessgames Member
  diagonal: In these days it's all about (live) ELO rating, maybe should introduce another box with "the no.1 of the day" ;-)

It's really incredible, how close the top acts are: five players within less than ten ELO points! And several changes in the corresponding no. 1 ELO-position during one tournament (Bilbao 2008)...

Ivanchuk certainly merits this honour, for his lifetime achievements, his fighting play and especially this fantastic year; just after his wins at the Tal Memorial (and the Tal blitz), Vassily Ivanchuk is number one in the provisonal world chess ranking list (, september, 11th. Ivanchuk shows, that also (near) forty years old / young players can compete successfully in the "Champions League".

Congrats to Chucky!

Sep-11-08   matherd1: If he becomes no.1 on the next official list (certainly possible)I guess it'll be the first time he's ever been no.1 on the FIDE ratings list...Seeing as most of his career overlapped with Kasparov and then he's certainly not been top since 2005.
Sep-11-08   amateur05: I remember the interview with Topalov after Kasparov announced his retirement from chess. He described Kasparov as a player who was way ahead of everyone else. Today the no 1 position in the FIDE ratings list is open to anyone.
Sep-11-08   fuerst: Congrats Vasily!Keep it up!
Best wishes!
Sep-11-08   jaydes: Im a patzer amidst Super Grandmasters, but i believe Ivanchuk when he said he found novelties in his dreams. I've been having sleeping problems of late, with random positions appearing in problematic patterns. I've also been trying my hand at blindfold chess and such dreams could be a result of this.

On a sidenote, I think i know why Ivanchuk almost always gets into time trouble. All SuperGms probably look at every move in Puzzle mode, but maybe Ivanchuk takes this to the extreme :P

Premium Chessgames Member
  Etienne: I wish Ivanchuk wins at least one or two more games.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Geronimo: <jaydes> I've been watching him play blitz and am not sure "time trouble" is a complete description. I think he has enormous confidence in his calculations and - unless surprised - is able to play rapidly in the last few minutes of a control without blundering. It would be time pressure only if his opponant has much more time against him. But even then, it isn't always the case (win against Carlsen). I think it is also part of his psychological game. Last night must have been shattering against Raja: to have a perfectly even position for three hours and then to lose like a woodpusher against a speed-chess hustler for three dollars in Washington Square Park. Ouch! In my opinion, Ivanchuk established himself as dominant under extreme time last night and this will play in his favour for the rest of the tournament.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Etienne: Well Ivanchuk won Mainz and the blitz Tal Memorial this year, so saying he is good at playing fast is an understatement. But that's what is a bit odd, because Anand who is good at playing fast will never get in time trouble. Ivanchuk is an extremely good fast player too, but will ALWAYS get in time trouble. Two different ways of expressing this strength of fast playing I guess hehe.
Sep-11-08   jaydes: <Geronimo> I'm aware of that, i remember him winning the recent Blitz World Championship. Perhaps, as you said, he trusts himself to calculate quickly and this may be one reason why he looks that much harder into the position than usual, thereby having lesser time than his opponent.

I follow games between Top players on the playchess server and the things they see in a 3 minute blitz game are plain crazy. Ivanchuk being a top class GM, I'm not surprised he can calculate quicker than most people in the circuit.

Premium Chessgames Member
  AsosLight: Come on Vassily!
A couple of games and you will be #1.
At last.
Premium Chessgames Member
  timhortons: chucky is winning over aronian in round 9, chess tournament is like a box of chocolate, they are full of surprises, i read a lot of either magnus or carlsen winning these tourney and here chucky upsets everyone:)
Sep-13-08   fananandfan: Funny that Ivanchuk swapped his no. 1 live ranking with Topalov. Only he can do spectacular things. Sad that he didn't get to the No. 1, which has eluded him so many times. :(
Sep-14-08   eremite: In spite of unlucky finish of Bilbao, Ivanchuk's contribution to chess is the most impressive as usual: 50 rated games plus victorous superblitz during last 3 months.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Geronimo: Anyone know what's next on Ivanchuk's schedule for the rest of 2008?
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