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Go, an addictive game Copyright © 1994-2008 Jan van der Steen
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Query Results

You will find some tips below the search form. For now it suffices to say that empty fields are ignored and the name field is interpreted as the litteral initial part of a name.

Query Settings

 PID  Gender Name  Picture  
Born between  -  Rank
Died between  -  Go House
Nationality Residence
Affiliation Help  
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Help on Biography searching

This service enables you to search through the database of players. An overview of the biography database is available. Some examples:

Search a professional
Enter a few initial letters in the name box.
Create a listing of young professionals
Select as birth date 1985-... This will list all players born after 1985. Probably you want the players sorted by birth date so select that option as well. If you are only interested in Korean professionals select the nationality as well.
List professionals with the same age as you
Enter your birth year in both born fields.
List 9p professionals from China
Select 9p in the rank box and select China as nationality
List professionals living abroad
Select a country from the residence box. Players living if the same country as their nationality will not be included.
List the professionals who recently died
Set the Died range to 1991-2001 and optionally select a nationality.

The emitted properties in the result list try to reflect the kind of information you were interested in.

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