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FIDE World Chess Championships 2000 in New Delhi and Tehran

Sujatha Srinivasan reports from the venue (Hyatt Regency, New Delhi)

11 Dec 2000 New Delhi

Xie into finals

The finalists, defending champion Xie Jun and Qin Kanying.

Xie Jun is the defending world woman chess champion. She does things confidently no matter what it is. She plays, speaks to the press and in all everything she does confidently. She said, "I am happy, I did expect something like this for so many Chinese are strong" when asked about the all Chinese affair. She added, "Qin was the youngest Chinese Women's National champion at the age of 15". She also said, "she didn’t qualify for the Chinese Olympiad team this year". She said, "Chinese are really good but I may not say so" when asked whether if the Chinese are now as dominant as the Georgian women used to be.

Xie said, "there are strong GM’s in Russia and they help the women players and so I played with that in mind" when asked why she played a side-line today against Kovalevskaya. She added "she played quickly and confidently for it was all preparation and I took nearly half my allotted time to find the correct reply". About Qin she said, "she is very talented".

Defending champion knocked out.

There was also almost absolute silence. Just the sound of the air conditioning and of course the ‘click’ sound as the player punced the clock. The playing hall was at a standstill when Anand was playing the second game of the second tiebreak. Suddenly thunderous applause and Khalifman is knocked out of the championship.

Vishy Anand cut a chocolate flavored cake on his birthday but the match was not a cakewalk for him. He had to sweat the whole day out to defeat the defending champion. Anand who had earlier winning experience on his birthday was looking quite relaxed throughout the match.

Alexander Khalifman actually was sailing home in the second game first tiebreak but misfortune struck him and now he is out of the championship. Even in that position Anand was confident personified and was waiting for his opponent to try his level best and win.

Mickey Adams is very cool about his semi-final clash with Vishy Anand. He said, "the local pressure is with Anand and I am reasonably relaxed and will give my best". He added, "I am a stronger player now than when I played Vishy, he is also stronger, let’s see". About the other semi-final clash he said, "Shirov is the favorite but then anything can happen".

Shirov was the first player to come out of the playing hall smiling. He had a very comfortable playoff match with Bareev and moved into the semi-finals. Shirov is widely expected to reach the finals from the bottom half. He has played confidently and meant business.

Shirov plays Grishchuk in the semi-finals. Shirov when asked about his victory today said, "As usual I'm happy qualifying through tiebreaks".

Bareev and Grishchuk were seen speaking to each other before the game and of course Grischuk make up an excellent team-man for he was seen talking to most of the Russian players. He was also seen comforting and egging on Khalifman after his first game loss in the second tiebreak.

Grishchuk was the first player to arrive at the playing hall today. Though not first to finish. He still he left the hall quickly with a thumping win against Tkachiev to enter the semi-final.

Tkachiev who seemed to corner all attention from the spectators for his style and appearance was well prepared. His usual time trouble acted as his opponent today and not Grishchuk in reality. Tkachiev was very cool even taking a walk during the game.

Grishchuk meets the press.

How do you feel being in the semi-finals?

"Good, but unexpected."

What was your expectation when you came here?

My main object was to win the first round. After winning that I already thought this was a good tournament for me.

What is your secret for being so quiet?

"I am too tired."

During the game you keep walking and looking around?

Every body does that.

May be you are confident?


Was that your strategy to play quickly?

"Nothing like that. I just gain time. I have no energy to play so I play quickly."

Is this your best day?

"In chess likely."

What do you think about your next round opponent?

"Shirov is a very strong player. I like his style."