The Greatest Draws Ever Played
Compiled by Calchexas

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The collection is just what it sounds like. I have a few criteria and points first.

1) This is the greatest DRAWS ever played. Therefore, there are no decisive games in this collection.

2) No Grandmaster Draws. However, just because it's really funny, I'm putting that one draw between Janosevic and Geller in here.

3) No, I'm not Vladimir Kramnik. Though I wouldn't complain if I was.

4) I used to have a lot of criteria here, but since that restricts me, I'm just gonna put whatever really cool draws I find in here.

Nimzo sacs all his pieces for stalemate!
E Post vs Nimzowitsch, 1905 
(D02) Queen's Pawn Game, 98 moves, 1/2-1/2

When you're threatened with mate, what do you do? Draw!
Kramnik vs Anand, 2004 
(B92) Sicilian, Najdorf, Opocensky Variation, 25 moves, 1/2-1/2

Gazza's rook is better than yours!!!
Karpov vs Kasparov, 1991 
(E97) King's Indian, 114 moves, 1/2-1/2

The "Immortal Draw"
Hamppe vs Meitner, 1872 
(C25) Vienna, 18 moves, 1/2-1/2

What'd I tell you?
Janosevic vs Geller, 1968 
(A00) Uncommon Opening, 0 moves, 1/2-1/2

A fresh stalemate!
J A Congdon vs E Delmar, 1880 
(C61) Ruy Lopez, Bird's Defense, 44 moves, 1/2-1/2

Reti demonstrates how a pawn and king stalemate.
Tartakower vs Reti, 1925 
(A00) Uncommon Opening, 78 moves, 1/2-1/2

A well-fought computer draw.
Deep Junior vs Fritz, 2004 
(B90) Sicilian, Najdorf, 34 moves, 1/2-1/2

How could I leave this out? The 'Rotlewi-Rubinstein' of draws!
Larry Evans vs Reshevsky, 1963 
(E55) Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3, Gligoric System, Bronstein Variation, 50 moves, 1/2-1/2

What do you do to draw against a rook? Underpromote!
L Day vs Timman, 1980 
(A00) Uncommon Opening, 93 moves, 1/2-1/2

Keres vs Fischer, 1962 
(B20) Sicilian, 77 moves, 1/2-1/2

"Most overrated game in chess"?
Fischer vs Tal, 1960 
(C18) French, Winawer, 21 moves, 1/2-1/2

Brilliant zugzwang stalemate
Chigorin vs Schlechter, 1905 
(C30) King's Gambit Declined, 45 moves, 1/2-1/2

"The Carousel"
Janowski vs Gruenfeld, 1925 
(A47) Queen's Indian, 66 moves, 1/2-1/2

How to draw a future world champion
I Zaitsev vs Karpov, 1966 
(C43) Petrov, Modern Attack, 14 moves, 1/2-1/2

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