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Member since Jun-15-06 · Last seen Jul-18-10
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   Laocoon has kibitzed 24 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Jan-25-10 V Atlas vs V Aristotelous, 2007 (replies)
Laocoon: ... Kakotelous
   Aug-04-08 Louis F Stumpers (replies)
Laocoon: My guess: Snail
   Nov-28-07 E Iturrizaga vs Svidler, 2007 (replies)
Laocoon: Yes. In such an incredibly complex position, I can easily understand why Iturrizaga chose to throw in the towel.
   Nov-22-07 Dreev vs Karpov, 2007 (replies)
Laocoon: This position is mate-in-two for white.
   Feb-07-07 Anatoli Karpov (replies)
Laocoon: "aggressivity" -? <Plato>, don't you mean 'aggressiveness?'
   Jan-26-07 Corus (2007) (replies)
Laocoon: I tend to think that Aronian will win this tournament. Without following progress thus far too closely, it seems to me that he has encountered few difficulties (he has no losses) and has played some fine chess, including gaining a very strong position against Topalov. Moreover, he ...
   Sep-26-06 Kramnik-Topalov World Championship Match (2006) (replies)
Laocoon: <jamesmaskell: Qa4 then leads to b5.> And then Kramnik could have moved to c2.
   Sep-24-06 Topalov vs Kramnik, 2006 (replies)
Laocoon: Everyone is lamenting Topalov's blunder, and it certainly was a shame, but let us not forget the opportunity for the crushing Rxg4 came as a result of Kramnik's terrible blunder 31...Bxf8. I analysed the line with Rybka at the time and had he played Kxf8 then Topalov's advantage was
   Jun-28-06 Rybka (Computer) (replies)
Laocoon: A bit off the topic, but: does Rybka 1.2 or later find the stunning but quiet mate in three from this position? (white to play) [DIAGRAM] The reason I ask is because Rybka 1.1 found mate in twelve and stopped calculating, whereas other engines continue calculating for a shorter ...
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