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Member since Jan-19-07 · Last seen Sep-13-08
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   Talis has kibitzed 10 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-01-08 Levenfish vs Lilienthal, 1948
Talis: According to after 39.Ne4+ Black resigned because of 39...Kd7 40.Re7+ Kc6 41.Rxc5+ Kb6 42.a5+. So the result should be changed to 1-0.
   Aug-20-08 Alekhine vs Moses, 1923 (replies)
Talis: User: al wazir This guy Moses, whoever he was, played Alekhine almost to a standstill. I think 34...Qc5 draws: 35. cxd7 Qxd4+ 36. Kh1 (36. Qf2 Qxf2+ 37. Rxf2 Rd8 38. Rxf6 Rxd7) Rg8 37. Qe8! Qxd5 38. Rxf6 Kg7 39. Rxa6 Qd1+ 40. Kh2 Qd5. Not at all! To 34...Qc5 white answer 35.Qe4+ with ...
   Jul-22-08 Reshevsky vs F Vasconcellos, 1944
Talis: <al wazir: Also, I don't see why black chose to make the moves in your very computerish line. For example, why not 16...Qa4 17. Qe2 Nd4 18. Qe5 Qc6 ?> 18....Qc6 looses because of 19.Rb6!! Qd7 20.Rd6! Perhaps black survive after 18...Qd7 19. Bxh7 Nc6 (19... Rxh7 20. Nxh7+ Kxf7 ...
   Jan-27-08 Marshall vs P Gotay, 1936
Talis: User: ArturoRivera : but there is an obscure game in which someone played here Ne4 and actually got away with it due to 12.-Bxe7 Qxe7 13.-Nxe4 dxe4 14.-Bxe4 f6 and white is losing a piece, is there a "refutation" to 11.-...Ne4?? in this 11.-Ne5 line? White can avoid loosing a piece by
   Dec-08-07 Karpov vs S Mariotti, 1975
Talis: User: Resignation Trap : ... and another one to 17...Nc8 (17...0-0-0). Black cannot play 17...0-0-0 because they loose knight e7.
   Dec-07-07 Smyslov vs G Barcza, 1952
Talis: waddayaplay: ...d5 is a blunder. ..Nf5 would have been better. 14....Nf5 looses too: 15.Nd6 Nxd6 16.exd6 Ba5 17. Rae1! Bxa1 18.Rxa1 Qd8 19.Bxf7+! Rxf7 20.Re7 Qf8 21.Ne5.
   Dec-06-07 Vasiukov vs Taimanov, 1954
Talis: White had extremely beautiful combination on move 24: 24.Qa4+! b5 25.Qb3!! c4 (Qxb3 26.Rd6x) 26.Qb4 Rd7 27 a4! Immediately wins also 23.c4! b5 24.b4 Qxe4 25.cxb5+.
   Dec-02-07 Fischer vs J Gloger, 1964 (replies)
Talis: More beautiful final could be after 13...Nxf5 14.exf5 Qc6 15.fxg6 Qxc4. Then follows 16.Qh6!! Qg8 17.Bxg7+ Qxg7 18.Qxf4+ Ke8 (18...Kg8 19.Qc4+ with mate) 19.Rae1+ Kd7 20.Qg4+ Kc6 21.Qc4+ Kd7 22.Rf7+ and white wins.
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