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Member since Oct-01-07 · Last seen Sep-13-08
Blacksburg, VA

2003 Graduate of Virginia Tech, Department of Chemistry

Looking for a "respectable" job, currently working as a bouncer here in B'burg, tossing drunk people around is fun :)

I learned the game as a kid, but became a serious fan in college. I am improving as a player, but I still consider myself to be a complete patzer.

My favorite players are Rubinstein, Capablanca, and Karpov.

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   Current net-worth: 990 chessbucks
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   blacksburg has kibitzed 95 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-13-08 Jose Raul Capablanca (replies)
blacksburg: <What is the main difference of playing style between Capablanca and Rubinstein? Maybe Rubinstein was more of a "classical" player while Capa had some hypermodern flavor in his later games?> one major difference is that rubinstein did a lot of work on opening systems, while
   Sep-13-08 Eugene Perelshteyn
blacksburg: this guy reminds me of kermit the frog. i dunno why, he just does.
   Sep-13-08 Henrik Danielsen
blacksburg: birdbrain and woodpusher, from watching his videos, i think danielsen plays Bb5, Bxc6, doubling the pawns, whenever black allows him to.
   Sep-13-08 H Danielsen vs Pokorna, 2003 (replies)
blacksburg: this is not the bird's opening, y'all, it's not the from's gambit, y'all, it's the polar bear system! polar bear!
   Sep-11-08 A Nickel vs The World, 2008 (replies)
blacksburg: hello, this is the first such game i have voted in, i hope i don't bring down our collective strength too much, but i've been fascinated by looking at some of the discussions during the previous games. i voted for ...e6. i like playing the scheveningen, and the position after ...
   Sep-06-08 Botvinnik vs Petrosian, 1964 (replies)
blacksburg: why 35...Qf8? hanging the d-pawn?
   Aug-24-08 Rybka vs Nakamura, 2008 (replies)
blacksburg: timhortons, how does 1.c4 stop black from playing this kind of hippo setup?
   Aug-12-08 Vladimir Kramnik (replies)
blacksburg: <and checking out the rear ends of the female volleyball players.> W is an idiot, but you can't hold THAT against him, really.
   Aug-09-08 Fine vs Botvinnik, 1938
blacksburg: <Or, another way of saying this is, I played over this game, and said: "I have no idea what just happenned."> the story of my life.
   Aug-08-08 British Championship (2008) (replies)
blacksburg: <you'd have thought the US women's championship would have shown what a sad way of deciding a winner this can be.> well said. i don't understand why any tournament would EVER use that setup for tiebreaks ever again. it's stupid to decide a tournament with classical time ...
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