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hopeful monster
Member since Dec-31-04 · Last seen Sep-13-08
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   hopeful monster has kibitzed 15 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Mar-03-08 Magnus Carlsen (replies)
hopeful monster: <frogbert: with 3 rounds to go, carlsen has achieved the same number of decided games as last year (4 wins, 3 losses), with only 4 draws so far. that's superior to anand, who only has 5 decided games> well, if the Linares organizers would only invite me, I'm pretty ...
   Feb-22-08 Morelia-Linares (2008) (replies)
hopeful monster: thanks for posting the links to live games, <minasina>!
   Aug-29-07 Blackburne vs Zukertort, 1876 (replies)
hopeful monster: I saw up to 33...Rxe5, but missed a subtlety: 34. Rxd4 forks the bishop at b4 and the back rank mate at d8. Black only comes out a bishop ahead because 34...Bd6 (or Bf8) solves both problems.
   Mar-23-07 Kibitzer's Café (replies)
hopeful monster: Here's a question I was wondering about: what do you think the average ELO of a chess hustler in a major metropolitan area is? (I've never actually encountered a chess hustler but maybe someone here has some idea...)
   Oct-25-06 Judit Polgar vs Zsuzsa Polgar, 1993 (replies)
hopeful monster: Wouldn't 47. Be6+ (winning the bishop) be better than 47. Rd2?
   Oct-04-06 Kramnik-Topalov World Championship Match (2006) (replies)
hopeful monster: It seems to me that Topalov is the one who is being affected by psychological pressure from all the cheating accusations. Some of his moves in this game seem uncharacteristically passive. I'm sure he knows that his accusations don't have any merit and that he's quickly gone ...
   May-21-06 MTel Masters (2006) (replies)
hopeful monster: I calculated Topalov's ELO change to be +5 from MTel, and +4 from Topalov-Nisipeanu, making him 2813 on the next list
   Apr-21-06 A David vs Z Sturua, 1997 (replies)
hopeful monster: A few kibitzers, including me, thought the best move was 18. h4. Interestingly, both Rybka and Fruit agree that h4 is the best move (+1.0) and that 18. Rxf7+ lets White's advantage slip.
   Feb-20-05 Bareev vs Radjabov, 2002 (replies)
hopeful monster: how about Kg2 f3+ Kh2 Qxh1+ Kxh1 f2?
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