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Member since Aug-31-07 · Last seen Oct-04-08
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   popescuag has kibitzed 8 times to chessgames  
   Aug-16-08 M Palac vs Topalov, 2008 (replies)
popescuag: the e5 pawn? Nd3 takes care of that.
   Aug-10-08 Carlsen vs Anand, 2008 (replies)
popescuag: This shouldn't happen at this level.
   Jul-21-08 E Alekseev vs Bacrot, 2008 (replies)
popescuag: Nf5 was guarding d6.
   Jul-10-08 J Stocek vs Ftacnik, 2008 (replies)
popescuag: I guess the last move is Rc8. The only way to prevent mate at c3 is to move the bishop on e2. Neither d1, f1 or d3 look promising for white.
   Jun-11-08 E Frumkin vs G Welling, 1998 (replies)
popescuag: how does black win after 40...Kh2?
   May-11-08 I Cheparinov vs Topalov, 2008 (replies)
popescuag: Why not 26.Bf6 forking black queen and rook?
   Apr-30-08 Alekhine / Koltanowski vs Antwerp Chess Club, 1934 (replies)
popescuag: I guess that black has to move either his king or his knight to meet e6+. And white will start picking up the queen side black pawns.
   Feb-04-08 E Danelian vs J Yakovich, 2008 (replies)
popescuag: Why couldn't black take the queen on e4 with his bishop at move 19?
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