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shach matov
Member since Mar-11-05 · Last seen Sep-13-08
Kasparov is to return in a few months.
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   shach matov has kibitzed 118 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-12-08 Vladimir Kramnik (replies)
shach matov: But you must realize that kramnik's success can't possibly compare to what Kasparov has achieved. Absolutely no comparison. Can you even imagine Kaspy being consistently at like 3-4 place in ratings like Kram is ( he is even at like 6 place now in live ratings!). Kapsy had the ...
   Sep-10-08 Bilbao Grand Slam Chess Final (2008) (replies)
shach matov: <But then, <square> really is what you would call a troll...> even he couldn't argue with that :)
   Aug-27-08 Vasiukov vs Taimanov, 1965 (replies)
shach matov: Very interesting combo;just shows how important forks are. First N fork of Q and R, thereby decoying the black K to f6 where the white Q forks K and R. Study your forks folks!
   Aug-12-08 Kasparov vs Ivanchuk, 1995
shach matov: a rather average game by ivanchuk, but kaspy was definitely not in form here (a rare occasion). why not 6.f4 right away for white, storm the kings side since black wasted two moves with the Bb4-Bf8 nonsense. with white dominating the king side and soon to be opened queen side ...
   Aug-11-08 Kibitzer's Café (replies)
shach matov: Chess fans! i been struggling to remember a game: probably french defense miniature where two white knights work in unison and attack the squares c7, d6 or e6 sacrifice and threaten fork of black queen and king if one of the nights is taken. An amusing miniature cant remember ...
   Jan-22-08 Topalov vs Kramnik, 2008 (replies)
shach matov: < Actually, he had to see all the way to the end of the universe> If he sow all the possible 40 move lines ( only about the number of starts in it to the power of few billion)then he actually sow somewhat further than the end of the universe. That is : the twilight zone.
   Nov-19-07 Ivanchuk vs Kramnik, 2007 (replies)
shach matov: <Softpaw> have a nice day, and until u bring some proof of ur statements , anand is gonna remain #1 in rating and the world chess champion
   Nov-16-07 Viswanathan Anand (replies)
shach matov: <if the Kramnik-Anand classical games ever came down to a time scramble, Anand would probably be the favorite.> Makes sence. It seems Vishi and Kram are of almost the same strength with the only difference that Anand can play much faster. Considereing that their opening ...
   Nov-12-07 Garry Kasparov (replies)
shach matov: <but I wouldn't be tossing dirt onto his grave just yet> not at all, afterall kram was kaspy's pupil and apart from what has been alrady stated, not a bad guy. Time will show if he is able to compete at the livel apropriate for a match with anand. However, most of us still
   Oct-18-07 Bilbao Blindfold Chess World Cup (2007) (replies)
shach matov: No top GM has any chance of beating a 2400+ player in a blindfold match. Simply keeping as many pieces on the board as possible and complicating positions would be enough for any top gm to inevitably make blunders. Ofcourse we talking about competent 2400 players.
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