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Henrik Danielsen vs Regina Pokorna
"From Scratch" (game of the day Sep-13-08)
Selfoss 2003  ·  Bird Opening: From Gambit (A02)  ·  1-0

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Kibitzer's Corner
Jan-23-07   Themofro: great survival and win by white.
Jan-23-07   gus inn: one of the mainconcerns in this game , was that Henrik had to not getting too distracted by the feemale parts (2 pieces ! ) of his counterpart. When I asked Danielsen if he had seen -Rxg2 (winning ) in advance - he confirmed it. He is a truly f-4player.
Aug-14-07   nhat8121: lol, did white king have any square left without his foot print?
Premium Chessgames Member
  An Englishman: Good Evening: Did anyone else have the impression that Black played worse with equal or superior material?
Premium Chessgames Member
  artyom2008: 5!!!!!!!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Once: It's chess, Jim, but not as we know it.

What a striking game! White's king gets kicked around almost from the start of the game, but then ends up delivering the fatal blow. 60. ... Nxa7 Kf7 and the pawn promotes. It is almost as if his game plan was play f4, swap off all the pieces, ram the e pawn up the board, stick the king on f7 and promote the pawn.

Each year my club has an odds tournament where the stronger players can find themselves as much as a queen down or playing with very little time. It can be hard to beat even a relatively weak player if they just sit back and defend with greater material or more time. So one tactic that I use is to throw my pieces and pawns forward, either to mate or promote a pawn. You can create a surprising amount of pressure with a far advanced king and a couple of pawns.

This game takes that tactic to a new dimension. Great GOTD.

Premium Chessgames Member
  blacksburg: this is not the bird's opening, y'all, it's not the from's gambit, y'all, it's the polar bear system!

polar bear!

Sep-13-08   dabearsrock1010: I havent evaluated the game seriously either myself or a computer but surely black is better for a good portion of the middle game right?
Sep-13-08   mrbasso: After 23.Qe2? Black might be better. 23.Qb3 Qxb3 24.axb3 was much better for white. He has a big pawn center and the pawn f3 is poisoned.
Premium Chessgames Member
  kevin86: Though this game is quite new,it reminds me of some of the old king's gambit games where the white king wanders from pillar to post-particularly,the games of Steinitz.

It is quite ironic that the piece that really decides this game-doesn't move until move 54. (the king move NINETEEN times).

Premium Chessgames Member
  Once: <dabearsrock1010> Yup - I think you are right. I put this game into Fritz 11's game analysis mode. Sifting through some of Fritz's less helpful comments, this is the story of the game:

8. ... Nd4 Fritz says "Black has an active position"

15. Kf1 "White is behind in development"

23. ... Qa3. Fritz prefers Qb5+, with a small advantage to black.

30. ... bxc3. Fritz prefers Rfc8, bringing up the reserves, with a larger advantage to black. Opening up the position allows exchanges which reduces black's advantage. Now instead of having a weakened king position, we are heading to an endgame where white has a well centralised king.

34. ... Qxb8. Fritz prefers Rxb8, again trying to get his rook into the game. Now the initiative swings to white as more pieces leave the board.

44. ... g4? Instead Ke8 and "black could well hope to play on".

The rest is slaughter.

The moral is clear. A king stuck in the centre of the board is a liability when there are lots of pieces, but a strength when the pieces are exchanged. Black didn't seem to realise this.

Sep-13-08   Dr. J: <Once> (or anyone): How does White win after 46 ...fxe5, e.g., 47 Nxe5+ Kg7 48 Nxg4 Nxd5+ 49 Rxd5 Rxa2; or 47 d6 g3 48 d7 g2 49 d8=Q Rxd8 50 Nxd8+ Ke8?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Once: <Dr. J> Good point. Fritz 11 deviates from your second line with 47. d6 g3 48. d7 g2

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and now Fritz is torn between 49. Nf3 Rd8 50. Kc5 or 49. Rxg2 Nxg2 50. Nc6. Both lines are currently standing at about +0.74.

Now the question is - can black exchange off the rooks and one set of pawns, then sac his knight for white's remaining pawn to reach a K+N v K draw?

Was I too hasty in saying "the rest is slaughter"? Almost certainly - with best play this looks like a tricky endgame.

Incidentally, Fritz is also saying that 46. ... g3 is level, although that may be because I have not let it sit for long enough on the position.

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