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Member since Sep-04-06 · Last seen Dec-09-08
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   DaveyL has kibitzed 140 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Dec-09-08 M Kanarek vs M Go Silva, 2008
DaveyL: GOTD? "Hi Go Silva"
   Dec-08-08 A Nickel vs The World, 2008 (replies)
DaveyL: Hey, it looks like Black has O-O-O, but on the kingside. Do we get points for that?
   Dec-07-08 Nigel Short (replies)
DaveyL: Brilliant line up for Corus group B (and groups A and C for that matter!). Looking forward to some entertaining games. Short vs Caruana should be a good one!
   Dec-04-08 Vassily Ivanchuk (replies)
DaveyL: tamar: I'm not saying there *is* a problem, there might be ut we can't say unless we have anti-doping programme in place. Players may not be "in on it" but there are other reasons a player may decline to make any knowledge he has public. Bringing bad publicity to the sport, for ...
   Nov-29-08 L Shytaj vs T Hillarp Persson, 2008
DaveyL: "The Eye Of The Tiger"
   Nov-22-08 Topalov vs S Zhigalko, 2008 (replies)
DaveyL: Gotta love the way he has all the time in the world to zig-zag that light squared bishop over to the queenside.
   Nov-13-08 C Lutz vs Kramnik, 1995 (replies)
DaveyL: I didn't get it - I thought Black offered a draw.
   Nov-01-08 Cap d'Agde (2008) (replies)
DaveyL: <acirce:<I wonder what will happen if Nakamura offers a quick draw with white.> Most likely, Ivanchuk agrees and then crushes Nakamura in blitz.> BEND
   Oct-23-08 Anand-Kramnik World Championship Match (2008) (replies)
DaveyL: Testing for drugs does not mean they are doing nothing to combat computer cheating. I'm sure they have measures in place for this tournament, for example.
   Oct-21-08 Anand vs Kramnik, 2008 (replies)
DaveyL: Well, it improves concentration, and it's well known many students and academics take it. Why wouldn't you take it, at least in some trivial games, to see if it helps. If it does, you could take it full-time. Is there any legitimate reason these guys would have something like that in
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