2nd Milk Tournament

Predrag Nikolic7/9(+5 -0 =4)[view games]
Ivan Sokolov7/9(+5 -0 =4)[view games]
Vladimir Malakhov5.5/8(+3 -0 =5)[view games]
Francisco Vallejo-Pons5/9(+3 -2 =4)[view games]
Laurent Fressinet4.5/9(+2 -2 =5)[view games]
Jonathan Rowson4.5/9(+2 -2 =5)[view games]
Viktor Bologan4/9(+3 -4 =2)[view games]
Hannes Stefansson2.5/9(+1 -5 =3)[view games]
Nick DeFirmian2/9(+1 -6 =2)[view games]
Throstur Thorhallsson2/8(+0 -4 =4)[view games]

 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 44  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. DeFirmian vs I Sokolov 0-131 2003 2nd Milk TournamentC72 Ruy Lopez, Modern Steinitz Defense, 5.O-O
2. P Nikolic vs Bologan 1-062 2003 2nd Milk TournamentE63 King's Indian, Fianchetto, Panno Variation
3. Vallejo-Pons vs Fressinet  ½-½54 2003 2nd Milk TournamentB23 Sicilian, Closed
4. J Rowson vs V Malakhov 0-137 2003 2nd Milk TournamentB36 Sicilian, Accelerated Fianchetto
5. T Thorhallsson vs Stefansson  ½-½29 2003 2nd Milk TournamentB85 Sicilian, Scheveningen, Classical
6. Fressinet vs V Malakhov  ½-½31 2003 2nd Milk TournamentB22 Sicilian, Alapin
7. I Sokolov vs T Thorhallsson  ½-½33 2003 2nd Milk TournamentD27 Queen's Gambit Accepted, Classical
8. Vallejo-Pons vs P Nikolic  ½-½26 2003 2nd Milk TournamentC97 Ruy Lopez, Closed, Chigorin
9. Stefansson vs J Rowson  ½-½20 2003 2nd Milk TournamentB90 Sicilian, Najdorf
10. Bologan vs DeFirmian 1-044 2003 2nd Milk TournamentB90 Sicilian, Najdorf
11. J Rowson vs I Sokolov 0-140 2003 2nd Milk TournamentC53 Giuoco Piano
12. T Thorhallsson vs Bologan 0-1101 2003 2nd Milk TournamentB22 Sicilian, Alapin
13. V Malakhov vs Stefansson  1-031 2003 2nd Milk TournamentD15 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
14. P Nikolic vs Fressinet  1-049 2003 2nd Milk TournamentD10 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
15. DeFirmian vs Vallejo-Pons 0-127 2003 2nd Milk TournamentB33 Sicilian
16. Vallejo-Pons vs T Thorhallsson  1-047 2003 2nd Milk TournamentB63 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer Attack
17. Fressinet vs Stefansson  1-035 2003 2nd Milk TournamentB63 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer Attack
18. I Sokolov vs V Malakhov  ½-½32 2003 2nd Milk TournamentD15 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
19. Bologan vs J Rowson  ½-½38 2003 2nd Milk TournamentB51 Sicilian, Canal-Sokolsky (Rossolimo) Attack
20. P Nikolic vs DeFirmian  1-046 2003 2nd Milk TournamentA62 Benoni, Fianchetto Variation
21. Stefansson vs I Sokolov 0-160 2003 2nd Milk TournamentC95 Ruy Lopez, Closed, Breyer
22. V Malakhov vs Bologan 1-060 2003 2nd Milk TournamentE63 King's Indian, Fianchetto, Panno Variation
23. DeFirmian vs Fressinet  0-147 2003 2nd Milk TournamentC92 Ruy Lopez, Closed
24. T Thorhallsson vs P Nikolic 0-147 2003 2nd Milk TournamentC15 French, Winawer
25. J Rowson vs Vallejo-Pons  1-058 2003 2nd Milk TournamentB33 Sicilian
 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 44  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2)  

Kibitzer's Corner
Dec-06-03   zorro: Looks like V. Bologan is no longer able to live up his exploit in Dortmund. Last 3-4 tournaments I saw of him were not exceptionally bright.
Dec-06-03   PinkPanther: <Looks like V. Bologan is no longer able to live up his exploit in Dortmund. Last 3-4 tournaments I saw of him were not exceptionally bright.>

Although Bologan is a strong player, yeah, I would have to agree....his victory Dortmund was a fluke. Not to mention, I think 3 of his 4 victories in Dortmund came in games where his opponents played truly horrible chess.

Dec-07-03   Phoenix: <his victory Dortmund was a fluke.>

I'd love to hear Bologan's response to that! I mean after all, that was probably the crowning achievement of his career.

Dec-07-03   PinkPanther: <I'd love to hear Bologan's response to that! I mean after all, that was probably the crowning achievement of his career.>

Yeah, so would I. And if he said anything but "yeah it was pretty much a fluke" then he's lying straight through his teeth. For him to be in a tournament with Kramnik, Leko and Anand and to win......I'd be willing to bet anything that he couldn't do it again.....thereby making it a fluke.

Dec-07-03   fluidfive: is there any way to download a single pgn file for the entire tournament?
Dec-08-03   Toobs: PINKpanther. All I ever see you do is talk crap about all these GM's that would smash you if you ever had the guts to play them. This Kibitzing thing must be your shield against all those who are better than you. And from the looks of it, it seems that there are alot of players better than you. I apologize for sort of stooping to your level, but it's annoying to see someone who probably isn't any kind of real player talk down to the ones that are.
Dec-08-03   PinkPanther: <PINKpanther. All I ever see you do is talk crap about all these GM's that would smash you if you ever had the guts to play them. This Kibitzing thing must be your shield against all those who are better than you. And from the looks of it, it seems that there are alot of players better than you. I apologize for sort of stooping to your level, but it's annoying to see someone who probably isn't any kind of real player talk down to the ones that are.>

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa
I never said I could beat him, of course I can't. But what I AM SAYING IS: For him to be in a tournament with Anand, Leko, and Kramnik (all of whom are players that are on a totally different level than Bologan, see 2700+), and to win is something that I would be willing to bet he couldn't do again. Do you have some sort of fetish for scrutinizing my comments and only MY comments? The only the two comments you've made have been in response to comments I made, comments that just so happened to be against two players in the chess world. You didn't visit the Mickey Adams page, where I praised him as one of my favorite players, or the Ruslan Ponomariov page, where I defended him from all these people calling him "a false champ" all you do is wait for me to make a comment that you disagree with (and that other people disagree with) so that you can @#$%* at me until you're blue in the face. So, before you @#$%* at me again, I suggest you think about what you're really accusing me of, and I what I actually did (or didn't say).

Dec-08-03   PinkPanther: <Toobs>
You can tell me what a great player Bologan is, if he wins at Dortmund again next year.....but that's not going to happen, so you won't get the chance.
Dec-08-03   MoonlitKnight: I recall the chessbase website prior to the Dortmund tournament. They had a poll for who would win it. Hundreds (or was it thousands?) thought Kramnik would win, and almost equally many thought Anand. A good lot guessed Leko and a bunch of people polled for Radjabov. Two guys actually rooted for Arkadi Naiditsch, but not a single soul voted for Victor Bologan, who then went on to win in a most convincing way.

Now, I'm not saying that all of the five others played as good as they usually do, but they couldn't all be bad at the same time. Dortmund was a category 19 tournament, and the players who competed there are amongst the world elite.

I reckon the thing about Bologan is that his performance varies like a roller-coaster. He also plays daring, exciting chess. Viva Viorel! :)

Dec-12-03   Johannes: I agree with Toobs
Like why are you talking trash about players?? seriously,, this is for people to help analyze and discuss the games, not talking trash to some of the top players in the world. If you can't say anything productive, don't say anything.. Learn from Patzer2 alright? that's what you're suppose to be doing. Not, he sucks, anand is better etc, so what if anand is better? that's not the point!
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