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Vladimir Kramnik vs Viswanathan Anand
Moscow (Russia) 1994  ·  Zukertort Opening: Sicilian Invitation (A04)  ·  0-1

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Kibitzer's Corner
Jul-27-04   ConLaMismaMano: If 13...Nc6xe5 then 14.f4! and the Knight is lost. Or if 14...Nd7xe5 the same thing happens.
Sep-18-05   seeminor: I remember Maurice Ashley commentating on this game saying that anands pawns looked like american football players charging down the field!
Dec-12-06   ronaldducalang: Nice game by Anand
Dec-12-06   Lt. Col. Majid: I saw the "boom" "boom" pawns-march Ashley commentary too. It was awesome.

Chess is such a docile and boring looking game to non-chess players. If there is one commentator who can make the pieces speak, it is Ashley.

He is such a lively and animated commentator. FIDE should be using this guy big time.

Feb-16-07   aldehyde: m proud of v. anand
Sep-24-07   yalie: Is this a rapid game?
Premium Chessgames Member
  plang: <Is this a rapid game?>

I am pretty sure it is.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Mike1307: Great Game by Anand, indeed his pawns are football players charging down the field, lol!
Sep-12-08   DoubleCheck: If this is a rapid game, then that would explain the not-so-constructive 21. d5 and 30. h5 and possibly the missing 51. Qxe4

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