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Garry Kasparov vs Viswanathan Anand
Kasparov-Anand World Championship Match 1995  ·  Scotch Game: Mieses Variation (C45)  ·  1/2-1/2

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Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  refutor: The big novelty of this game was 9. ... g5! (with the old move being 9. ... g6 which allowed 10.f4) after which Kasparov immediately returned to the Ruy Lopez. 15. ... O-O-O!! was a great move by Anand as well.
May-29-03   drukenknight: I dont see why 16 Rxc6 why not 16 dxc7?
May-30-03   Cyphelium: It probably has something to do with 16.- The8+.
May-31-03   parinda: 16.dxc7 oddly enough protects the black king!. . now there is no way white can attack c8 to dislodge the king. .he's two pawns down and he's lost the initiative and after 16...rhe8+ or even rxd5 with the threat of the black bishop going back to e5 to fork a few more pawns black it would seem has turned the tide
Jun-02-03   drukenknight: but that's just it, Im not trying to attack the K I'm trying to reconnect pawns. But you are right to give check now. I guess I have to go back Kf1.
Apr-11-05   dragon40: The 8th game of the 1995 WC Match.

Indeed, tha major innovation was 9...g5! by Anand, which actually after an initial good think time by Kasparov for his reply...the next moves up until 15.Rci were almost blitzed out. The only winning try Anand did not attempt was on his 20th move. Instead of 20...Re4+, <20...Re2 was suggested> <eg: 20...Re2; 21.Bc5, Rxa2; 22.b4, Kb7; 23. dxc7, Rxc7; 24. Rf6 but now it seems that White might have a slight edge! The black rooks have no targets to attack> The match score after this game was 4-4 After this game . the Match made a record for most draws to start a WC MAtch with: 8.

Oct-11-05   Brown: Kasparov's improvement

Kasparov vs P Nikolic, 1997

Nov-29-05   morphyvsfischer: 4...Bc5 5 Be3 Qf6 6 c3 Nge7 is too bland for Anand.

Anand made a nice improvement over 9...g6 and ...0-0-0 10 g3 Re8 11 Bb2 f6 12 Bg2! fxe5 13 Nd2 g6 14 0-0-0 Bg7 15 Be4 with the better position after Qd2 and Qa5.

15 Nd2 Be5 16 Ne4 cxd5 17 Nxg5 looks unclear.

18 Rxc7+ Rxc7 19 dxc7 Kxc7 20 Bc5 Re1 with an attack.

18 Nd2 Re5 19 Nc4 Rxd5+ 20 Ke4 Re4+ with the advantage.

20...Re2 21 Bc5 Rxa2 22 b4 Kd8 23 dxc7+ Kxc7 24 Rf6 with a good position, and no real winning chances for black.

20...Kb7 21 dxc7 Rxc7 22 Rxc7+ Kxc7 23 Bc5 with a solid position.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Udit Narayan: Videos:

Premium Chessgames Member
  acirce: Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam: <As it turned out the sound-proof cabin wasn't all that sound-proof. It wasn't view-proof either, as you could see the monitor with the commentators' comments on it.>

Vishy Anand: <It's amazing, we could see Fritz. But there was a great story. One day, I think it was during the sixth game, I went outside and I heard some commentary. Some moves and what could happen within a few moves. Nothing too important, so I shrugged. Sometimes there are good moves that are too obvious. I saw them, they had seen them, so I laughed and went back to the booth. After the game, I decided I probably shouldn't mention it, he might be upset. So, I figured, OK, I won't tell him. After the eighth game he came charging in, we agreed a draw and he said, "You know, Yasser (Seirawan) is analysing Re2, but I think that after this and this I can draw." (Laughs with an incredulous impression) This was amazing for me. He took it as given that both of us could listen to this and thought, "What is there to pretend about?" A very refreshing attitude. I was a bit embarrassed to admit it, but he just came and said... I found this hysterical. In general, trying to do things for the spectators they lost sight that you have players also. Something with the conditions here were just weird. It looked more like the World Open in Philadelphia than a world championship. If you have to sit and explain to someone that you're not supposed to see Fritz. You shouldn't have to do this.>

-- New In Chess 1995/7

Premium Chessgames Member
  Archives: Thanks for that <acirce> Very interesting!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Akuni: < Spassky interestingly dropped in for a few days during the match, as did the legendary Miguel Najdorf, who when denied entry at the door of WTC, told the watchman, “Tell Garry (Kasparov) I am here. He will come down.”

Word was sent up that a certain, Mr. Najdorf was down there. Organisers rushed down to receive Najdorf, after whom one of the most well-known variations in Sicilian defence is named, as the Sicilian-Najdorf variation. When Anand played a brilliant and innovative move in the drawn eighth game, Najdorf was at the venue to applaud the Indian champion. > v Krishnaswamy

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