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David Bronstein vs Klaus V Darga
Izt 1964  ·  Queen's Gambit Declined: Charousek (Petrosian) Variation (D31)  ·  1-0

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Kibitzer's Corner
Nov-23-04   offramp: Between moves 25 and 36 white loses the 7 of his pawns that survived the opening; he is totally pawnless while his opponent has 6 pawns!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Willem Wallekers: To all kibitzers: have a look at this, it's amazing. I wouldn't be surprised though if a few errors were found.
Nov-23-04   delterp: Bronstein reviews this game in his book Sorcerer's Apprentice. Bronstein is a true chess artist. Always one to look for beauty in a game rather than just a win. It is highly likely he threw his last game in the World Championship against Botvinnik when just a draw would have won it for Bronstein. All when nobody could defeat Botvinnik.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Willem Wallekers: <delterp>
Would you be so kind as to give us a summary of Bronstein's comment on this game? I'm very curious.
Premium Chessgames Member
  refutor: <comments on this game>

before move 25, he said that 25.g5 was better and that he was expecting 25. ...b5 in response to 25.Bh4. There was about three minutes left onthe clocks at this point.

After move 36 "Now it is easy for White to play as he no longer has to worry about his pawns! It should also be mentioned that while Black was eating all of White's pawns he lost two pieces in the process. The black bishop which came out so early on move 6 is now back in its original position on c8. With both flags about to fall, WHite's extra knights will not decide the game in his favour"

May-09-05   Castle In The Sky: A potential game of the day, week, month, a pawnless masterpiece by Bronstein--too bad I discovered it on Darga's "Player of the Day"!
Premium Chessgames Member
  sneaky pete: 37... f4 (Darga) would have given white some real problems.

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