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Robert James Fischer vs Samuel Reshevsky
Herceg Novi blitz 1970  ·  Sicilian Defense: Kramnik Variation (B40)  ·  1-0

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Kibitzer's Corner
Mar-01-05   Whitehat1963: An excellent game with excellent analysis by Fischer himself. I'm surprised no one has kibitzed about it.
Mar-01-05   aragorn69: Remember this is only an error-laden - though entertaining - blitz game...
Jul-03-05   calman543: Do GMs resign in 5 min blitz, or do they just let their clock run out? And does someone write down all the moves, or do they players have to reconstruct the moves from memory?
Aug-21-05   wheelchiar bandit: iam sure someone would be write down just because fischer was playing. also fischer was know to be able to rember every game he ever played.
Premium Chessgames Member
  dzechiel: I'll kibitz. Can anyone see why Fischer didn't play 41 Rbxd2 instead of 41 Rdxd2? To me you not only win the pawn, but you get the other d-pawn on the next move and don't have to deal with the complications in the game. There must be a typo in the game score or some other reason (perhaps psychological) that doesn't present itself on the board.
Aug-21-08   Helios727: Why is this called the "Kramnik Variation" when we all know Kramnik was not around then?
Premium Chessgames Member
  AnalyzeThis: <I'll kibitz. Can anyone see why Fischer didn't play 41 Rbxd2 instead of 41 Rdxd2? To me you not only win the pawn, but you get the other d-pawn on the next move and don't have to deal with the complications in the game. There must be a typo in the game score or some other reason (perhaps psychological) that doesn't present itself on the board.>

I thought the same way.

Aug-24-08   Helios727: Maybe he was afraid of 41...Qf5, threatening the h-pawn and f-pawn simultaneously. Whereas Rdxd2 secures the defense of the f-pawn so he only has to worry about the h-pawn.
Sep-12-08   joelsontang: where can i get notes by fischer apart from his 60 memorable games???
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