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Judit Polgar vs Garry Kasparov
It (cat.19) 1996  ·  Sicilian Defense: Najdorf. Amsterdam Variation (B82)  ·  0-1

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Kibitzer's Corner
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Premium Chessgames Member
  Sneaky: Poor Judit, 89.Rg1?? was a helpmate ... simply keeping the rook on the 8th rank would have been an easy draw, I think.
Jul-28-03   nateinstein: Very instructive endgame play here. Can't say it much better than WRWilliams.
Premium Chessgames Member
  patzer2: After 91. Rf8 Kg6 92. Rg8+ Kf7 93. Kh7 in Crafty's analysis above, the easiest win to see is John Doe's suggestion of 93...Nf6+, winning the white rook with the knight fork.

Note that Kasparov's winning idea was to create a "zugzwang" position with 92...Kf7, after which white must move into a lost position as pointed out in John Doe's excellent commentary above.

Premium Chessgames Member
  patzer2: <hickchess99> Yes! After 91. Rf8, Kg6 92. Rg8+, Kf7 93. R(somewhere on the g-file), then Nf6+ 94. Rg8, Rxg8++. is the win resulting from the zugzwang position created by 92...Kf7 (if the rook tries to escape on the g-file).
Jul-29-03   pawntificator: Very classy Steve! But you should be more careful! If we the "morons" and "chesstards" didn't comment, then you would have no excuse to regale us with your extensively brilliant chess knowledge! Then again, maybe you could learn to share your superiour intuition in a constructive manner on your own initiative rather than waiting for other people's errors to pounce on. I know it must be difficult to understand how anyone could make a mistake in chess. Until then, you should be thanking us. The morons, that is.
Premium Chessgames Member steve alford: cool it with the slurs.
Jul-29-03   pawntificator: Incidentally, I wrote that comment before looking at the game, and I can't make any sense out of your post.
Premium Chessgames Member
  crafty: 89. Rc8 Nb5 90. Rf8 Rh7+ 91. Kg8 Na3 92. Re8 Rg7+ =   (eval 0.00; depth 17 ply; 500M nodes)
Jul-29-03   Major: I was wondering why Kasparow didn't play 8.Qxd3
Premium Chessgames Member
  Sneaky: Major, you must have in mind 8...Qxd4? The point is that it loses the queen to 9.Be3! Cute trap, huh?
May-06-04   ULU: Why 50. Nxa5 She gives up the knight for no good reason that I can see.
Jun-24-04   Whitehat1963: What on earth is 50. Nxa5 about?
Oct-01-04   Apocalypse79: My first visit.. hm.. the rule of not giving turn changed this game end.. hehe...
Oct-01-04   aw1988: Welcome to the site, <Apocalypse79>.
Oct-06-05   NoDefense: Judit blundered on move 79 with Ra1. If she played Rf1+, she could still draw the game.
Oct-19-05   baffersty: how did Kasparov miss a simple mate on move 30. (Queen takes Bishop = Mate)???
Oct-19-05   psmith: <baffersty> Black's Queen is pinned. Your move is illegal.
Oct-19-05   baffersty: thanks psmith I must be losing it!
Premium Chessgames Member
  AdrianP: Most players would not even try to win the R + N v R endgame (which is almost invariably drawn - as in fact the present game is: 79 Rf1+ draws). Nunn says - after giving this game - "It is up to the individual whether to continue this ending, but I would only regard it as worthwhile in the case of a quick-play finish.".
Dec-25-07   mistreaver: Tibor Karoly in his book "Kasparov fightning's chess" says Kaspy missed 1 win along the way, but he doesn't give the whole game. Can some1 help where exactly Kaspy could win before entering the endgame.

Premium Chessgames Member
  4tmac: 79. R-f1+ draws. All other moves lose. Thereafter, the game is lost. Great technique from Kasparov after Judit allowed Garry the slightest chance.
Sep-03-08   Whitehat1963: Okay, I'll ask the question again: What on earth is 50. Nxa5 all about? Is that a misprint? Why not 50. Nxd4????
Premium Chessgames Member
  norami: <Whitehat1963> Maybe she thought 50. Nxa5 would lead to a RNvR endgame that was an easier draw than the pawn down endgame after 50. Nxd4.
Sep-12-08   michaelkrink: 50 Rc4!?
Sep-17-08   einneu: Kasparov seems to ignore the basic winning plan in such cases.82...Rd6 83.Kg8 Ng5 84.Kf8 Re6 85.Rb8 Nh7+ 86.Kg8 Re7 0-1.Of course he would discover it on board if needed.After 79.Ra1? white is lost.Correct would be 79.Rf1+ Nf5 80.Rf2 Rd4 81.Kg8=. The difference with the game continuation is that after 79.Rf1+ Nf5 80.Rf2 Kg6 81.Rg2+ Kf7 the black rook can not attack from the "h" file so white can simply play 82.Rf2= instead of locking her rook in the 8th file.
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