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Boris Spassky vs Herman Pilnik
Goteborg m 1955  ·  Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation. Goteborg (Argentine) (B98)  ·  1-0

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Kibitzer's Corner
Oct-23-02   drukenknight: Drunk's brew of the day. Here's another interesting exercise in pawn counting that's very simlar to the Anti Meran game (Denker/Botwinnik) we are discussing.

This variation of Sicilian (9...g5) is known as Goteborg and it is based on three games played on the same day in 1955, this is one of them. The other two were Keres/Najdorf and Panno/Geller. The argentines came up with a new move to spring but they all lost anyhow on this day.

It seems to me that when white captures the pawn he is up by 1 pt. Then he immediately sacks the N; 11 Nxe6 which causes him to be behind by one pt. But no matter, he is down by one pt. but he has opened an attack on the K. Makes sense: drop material go on attack. So it seems that Spassky and friends were simply playing on general principles on this day when they refuted this opening.

It seems to me that when black retreats the N, he cuts off the B from the pawn. Allowing white to drop material and go on the attack. What if 10...Nh6? which if white then takes Nxe6 he can recapture with the B and remain down 1 pt. Perhaps then he will have better attacking chances?

Sneaky what do you say? You have different ideas about value of pawns, obviously.

Premium Chessgames Member
  waddayaplay: Spassky is such a genius.
Jun-27-05   calman543: Geller desrves the credit for this victory. When the Latin players sprung their innovation, Spassky and Keres waited over an hour to let Geller find the winning line, which he did. Then they copied him. The Latin players eventually variated from each other in order to attempt to stave off defeat, but to no avail.
Jun-27-05   calman543: In 1958 against Gligoric, Fischer found the equalizing line for black. 13. ... Rh7.
Sep-05-08   dwavechess: Rybka agrees 74% moves with Spassky and 70% with Pilnik
Sep-10-08   dwavechess: 77% agrees Rybka 3 w32 3 minutes per move with Spassky, more than the 74% using rybka 2.3.2a at 14 ply.
Sep-12-08   dwavechess: 60% for pilnik using R3

Secrets of Opening Surprises
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