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Kermur Sire De Legal vs Saint Brie
Paris 1750  ·  Philidor Defense: General (C41)  ·  1-0

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  sneaky pete: <DeepBlade> This proves what Donner once said: chess is a hazard game. 8... Nxe5 would have been embarrassing.
Premium Chessgames Member Some old business - <<chessgames> I would like to ask, whether you are sure, that this is the ORIGINAL game? I'm asking, because I have already seen it like this, or with 3...Bg4 and 4...g6 (and even a6). Anyone else?> It's easy to imagine that the game might have had another move in it, but over the course of time was abbreviated by chess lovers who cherished clarity over accuracy.

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Premium Chessgames Member
  sitzkrieg: Mate of Legal. They used this
game in an operette and is since then known in Germany as the Seekadettenmatt, if my spelling is correct.
Dec-17-05   DeepBlade: <sneaky pete> In (amateur) club games luck DOES play a role in chess ;) I did it because the BxQ looks irresistable for amateurs. Now I understand why greed is one of the 7 sins
Jan-26-06   Mate Hunter: The Classical Phillidor Trap.
May-04-06   Paintbucket: How did St. Brie not see that one coming?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Sneaky: Somebody had to be first to fall for this. It's easy for us to be critical, but remember, St. Brie had never seen this trap before.
May-06-06   Paintbucket: I'm not being critical. I probably would have seen it because something just looks wrong at why Legal just dropped his queen. But then again, I'm very far from being a master myself, and might have fell for it then. I pulled this trap on someone before, but it set up a little different. I remember their smile as they took my queen, only to have it vanish when I took their king. :-)
May-22-06   Quirinus: <alexmagnus>

<By the way, the game here is wrong. In the real in Legal-Brie game Legal blundered and Brie didn't see it, so the game was re-moved so like shown here. The real game was very bad:1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 d6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.Nc3 Bg4 5.Nxe5?? Bxd1? (after 5...Nxe5 Legal´s name would be forgotten) 6.Bxf7+ Ke7 7. Nd5#.>

Your historic move order is correct. But Légal did not blunder, he was actually playing at rook's odds (without Ra1) and so he had to 'try something' to turn the tables.

Source: Ludwig Bachmann, Das Schachspiel und seine historische Entwicklung, Leipzig / Berlin 1924, p.36.

May-22-06   Paintbucket: That is very interesting. Rook odds? No wonder St.Brie had no idea.
May-22-06   Quirinus: 'Rook odds' was quite a regular thing back then.
One should remember Morphy playing many games at rook odds (see the Le Carpentier game). By the way, the date of the game (1750) is only a guess. Legal (1702-1792) may have played the game as late as 1787 as some books claim.
Dec-03-06   Whitehat1963: Cheesy, but clearly legal.
Jan-01-07   wolfking: Maybe 5.Nxe5!!?? Or you think it's 5.Nxe5??... dunno :S
Feb-23-07   Jaymthetactician: Damn it why the hell did the dude named after a de-licious cheese (I especially like Tour de Marze, I only get it imported from France) have to lose? I wanted le Brie to win :D so... people back then had a concept of 4...g6?

1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 d6
3. Bc4 Nf6
4. d3 (Nc3) g6 Was probably played at some point back then. Still, I wanted Brie to win!

Premium Chessgames Member
  ahmadov: I have just played a similar game on :)
Premium Chessgames Member
  whiteshark: <ahmadov>: the black side ?? LOL
Premium Chessgames Member
  ahmadov: <whiteshark: <ahmadov>: the black side ??> LOL
May-23-07   gBizzle: <PaintBucket> he didnt see it coming because its the first time it was ever used, hence the name of the mate : Legal's mate
Premium Chessgames Member
  wolfmaster: The classic is always the best.
Premium Chessgames Member
  micartouse: The way I've seen this trap sprung in patzer praxis is:

1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 d6
3. Bc4 h6 (a timid way to stop Ng5 tricks)
4. Nc3 Bg4?
5. Nxe5! dxe5
6. Qxg4

Oct-09-07   RookFile: Well, still one more way to play this is to interpolate h3 first, i.e.

1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 d6
3. Bc4 Nc6
4. Nc3 Bg4
5. h3 Bh5
6. Nxe5

(6......Nxe5 7. Qxh5 Nxc4 8. Qb5+)

Premium Chessgames Member
  wolfmaster: 'Tis the original.
Premium Chessgames Member
  jeeky1996: Black pays for not developing his knight, which is essential in preventing Nd5#.
Premium Chessgames Member
  MarkThornton: This posting on the Chess History website is an attempt to address the issue of the different recorded versions of this game:

Premium Chessgames Member
  MarkThornton: The link I gave in my previous post doesn't work, I don't know why. If you want to read the article, please visit

and look in the Archives for article C.N. 5720, published on 18 August 2008.

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