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David Przepiorka vs Richard Reti
San Remo 1911  ·  Spanish Game: Berlin Defense. Hedgehog Variation (C66)  ·  0-1

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Kibitzer's Corner
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Sep-15-04   drjimmy42: I caught the Q sac + K fork to pick up the bishop but I don't see how this is a definitive "win" for black. Yes, the White king is way out on his own, but white is still up ( a minor piece - 1 pawn ) and I don't see any killer moves for black. So what comes next?
Sep-15-04   FryGuy1013: Black has a rook and two pawns versus an extra knight.. A pretty definitive advantage.
Sep-15-04   Tiamat: <drjimmy42> How is white up a piece? The point value system that I know of, Pawn = 1, Knight & Bishop = 3, Rook = 5


Black has 2 rooks while white has 1, a major advantage and black has two more pawns, and white's king is in the middle of the game.

If I'm correct, Remo didn't think he could win from a position that low.

Premium Chessgames Member
  crafty: 26. Nxc6 bxc6 27. Ba3 Nxc5 28. Bxc5 dxc5   (eval -4.39; depth 16 ply; 500M nodes)
Sep-15-04   ConLaMismaMano: At first i saw something like 23...Bxe4 24.Nxe4 Rxe4 25.Qxe4 Nf4 26.Qc2 (Here i thought i was getting no where, so i stopped analysing). Then i realised which was the real solution.
Sep-15-04   erikcu: Really black is soon to be up 3 pawns. White is forked on this move, and the one pawn is hanging in the wind.
Sep-15-04   erikcu: Now that I look at the game this combination seemed to have started from 21... Bxg3. It seems like todays puzzle could have been called "23. black to play and not lose." since he is down a major piece from the bishop pawn trade at 21. black needs to sac the queen for a fork.
Sep-15-04   sandyobrien: saw the queen sac and fork almost instantly
Sep-15-04   kaptajn4: Got it instantly!
Sep-15-04   Hinchliffe: Sorry to gloat not really but this one was very simple. Still it is rather nice to start the day cracking a chess puzzle.
Premium Chessgames Member
  patzer2: <Tiamat> Your understanding of the value of the pieces is essentially correct (though the values can change considerably based on positional considerations). In this case, the combination changes the balance from a situation where Black has a Rook and two Pawns (5+2=7) for two pieces (6) for a +1 advantage (7-6=1)to a situation where he wins a clear piece (+3). With the combination, Black goes from a piece down with compensation (+1) to winning a piece (+3). So, adding the +1 and +3 advantages, Black is up +4.

Another way to view it is that after the combination Black has a two pawn advantage (+2) and is now a solid exchange up (+2). So you add the +2 extra pawns to the +2 exchange up for a +4 advantage. Adding a small value for the initiative and a space advantage, Crafty makes it 4.39. Since one piece up is +3, then Black at +4 is more than a piece up.

Sep-15-04   ThomYorke: What if 17) g3 ?
Sep-15-04   Marco65: <ThomYorke> I think 17. g3 Nxe1! 18. gxh4 Nxf3+
Sep-15-04   Marco65: Most GM and computer chess experts give bishops and knights more than 3 points, 3.25 or 3.5. In fact you normally don't trade a knight and a bishop for a rook + a pawn.
Sep-15-04   alexandrovm: It's a Queen sac with double attack. 23. ... Qxg2 24. KxQ (only move) Nf4+ 25. whatever move and Nxd3
Sep-15-04   lnlver: Black is going to win another pawn, and will have decisive kings side and queens side pawn advantages.

There shouldn't be any problem winning this game. I'd take it every day.

Sep-15-04   Mistereous1: Saw the queen sack as the best move, but dismissed it looking for a mating attack...guess I have to remember not all of these puzzles lead to mate.
Premium Chessgames Member
  kevin86: I goofed this one-looking for the mate,instead of the fork. MY bad.
Sep-15-04   Zaius: I was looking for the mate too.
Sep-15-04   rclb: We had a whole week of this kind of thing not long ago. Pretty easy if you know what you're looking for. This was more of a Monday puzzle I think!
Premium Chessgames Member
  notyetagm: 23 ... Qxg2+! 24 Kxg2 Nf4+ 25 K moves Nxd3 Black is up an exchange and 2 pawns
Premium Chessgames Member
  Knight13: My moves are close.
Sep-15-04   Giancarlo: Didn't get this one till I realised it was Black to move and not white. :-)
Sep-15-04   drjimmy42: <Tiamat> Didn't notice that white was missing the other rook. Sort of a large oversight.
Premium Chessgames Member
  just a kid: Sort of odd for Reti to put the bishop on e7 then move it to f8 to get to g7 to get a hedgehog formation.
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