Player profile: Robert James Fischer
Opening: Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4 (C69)

 page 1 of 1; 11 games  PGN Download 
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Fischer vs Gligoric 1-025 1966 Habana olC69 Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
2. Fischer vs E Jimenez-Zerguera 1-031 1966 Havana ol finalC69 Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
3. Fischer vs Portisch 1-034 1966 Havana ol finalC69 Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
4. Fischer vs Smyslov ½-½40 1967 MonacoC69 Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
5. Fischer vs A Anastasopoulos 1-030 1968 Athen simC69 Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
6. Fischer vs J A Rubinetti 1-028 1970 Buenos AiresC69 Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
7. Fischer vs Unzicker 1-042 1970 Siegen ol finalC69 Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
8. Fischer vs G Kramer 1-040 1971 Manhattan blitzC69 Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
9. Fischer vs Spassky ½-½60 1972 Fischer-Spassky World Championship MatchC69 Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
10. Fischer vs Spassky 1-021 1992 #9 Ruy Lopez Spanish, $5 million matchC69 Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
11. Fischer vs Spassky ½-½46 1992 #27 Ruy Lopez, $5 million match, Oct. 31C69 Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Fischer wins | Fischer loses  

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