Player profile: Robert James Fischer

 page 1 of 12; games 1-25 of 284  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Fischer vs D Ames ½-½28 1955 Lincoln ch-US jrC47 Four Knights
2. W Whisler vs Fischer ½-½25 1955 Lincoln ch-US jrE76 King's Indian, Four Pawns Attack
3. Fischer vs H Matthai ½-½108 1956 Montreal CA-openB77 Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
4. B Owens vs Fischer ½-½43 1956 Oklahoma City US-opE68 King's Indian, Fianchetto, Classical Variation, 8.e4
5. Fischer vs Santasiere ½-½19 1956 Oklahoma City US-opA07 King's Indian Attack
6. Fischer vs Hurttlen ½-½14 1956 Eastern States opC84 Ruy Lopez, Closed
7. Feuerstein vs Fischer ½-½31 1956 New York Ros-memE63 King's Indian, Fianchetto, Panno Variation
8. Fischer vs S Popel ½-½38 1956 Oklahoma City US-opA05 Reti Opening
9. C Tears vs Fischer ½-½45 1956 Oklahoma City US-opB25 Sicilian, Closed
10. Fischer vs H Gross ½-½17 1956 Oklahoma City US-opA04 Reti Opening
11. F R Anderson vs Fischer ½-½19 1956 Montreal CA-openB93 Sicilian, Najdorf, 6.f4
12. Fischer vs M Pavey ½-½35 1956 New York Ros-memB45 Sicilian, Taimanov
13. K Smith vs Fischer ½-½51 1956 Oklahoma City US-opB95 Sicilian, Najdorf, 6...e6
14. Fischer vs J Casado ½-½48 1956 Havana simB32 Sicilian
15. Fischer vs K Vine ½-½36 1956 New York ManhattanB32 Sicilian
16. Fischer vs Mednis ½-½40 1956 New York Ros-memB76 Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
17. Shainswit vs Fischer ½-½27 1956 New York Ros-memE67 King's Indian, Fianchetto
18. Fischer vs S Bernstein ½-½56 1956 New York Ros-memC70 Ruy Lopez
19. Fischer vs W Stevens ½-½20 1956 Oklahoma City US-opC82 Ruy Lopez, Open
20. Fischer vs Euwe ½-½16 1957 New YorkC83 Ruy Lopez, Open
21. Fischer vs N Kampars ½-½37 1957 Milwaukee N-WesternB11 Caro-Kann, Two Knights, 3...Bg4
22. A Mengarini vs Fischer ½-½32 1957 New JerseyE61 King's Indian
23. Berliner vs Fischer ½-½57 1957 New York ch-USE89 King's Indian, Samisch, Orthodox Main line
24. Fischer vs M Harrow ½-½40 1957 Milwaukee CentralA08 King's Indian Attack
25. Feuerstein vs Fischer ½-½50 1957 W Orange 50-50E64 King's Indian, Fianchetto, Yugoslav System
 page 1 of 12; games 1-25 of 284  PGN Download
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