Bobby Fischer's "60 Memorable Games"
Compiled by Ewen

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These quotes and games are from the book My 60 Memorable Games.

Author's Preface

The 60 games annotated in this volume were all played during 1957 through '67 and, with the exception of nos. 44 and 50, under strict tournament conditions. The notes frequently include reference to additional games, occasionally presenting them in full. An interested reader will find 34 of my earlier efforts in Bobby Fischer's Games of Chess (Simon and Schuster, 1959).

All of the 60 here offered contain, for me, something memorable and exciting---even the 3 losses. I have tried to be both candid and precise in my elucidations in the hope that they would offer insights into chess that wil lead to fuller understanding and better play.

Finally I wish to express my gratitude to Larry Evans, friend and colleague, for his invaluable aid in preparation of the text as well as for his lucid introductions.

Robert J. Fischer
New York City

On the chessboard lies and hypocrisy do not survive long. The creative combination lays bare the presumption of a lie; the merciless fact, culmination in checkmate, contradicts the hypocrite.

--- Emanuel Lasker

1. Too little, too late
Fischer vs J Sherwin, 1957 
(B40) Sicilian, 33 moves, 1-0

2. Slaying the dragon
Fischer vs Larsen, 1958 
(B77) Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack, 31 moves, 1-0

3. Bear hug
Petrosian vs Fischer, 1958 
(A16) English, 67 moves, 1/2-1/2

4. Tact and tactics
Pilnik vs Fischer, 1959 
(B92) Sicilian, Najdorf, Opocensky Variation, 40 moves, 0-1

5. The unpleasant obligation
Fischer vs H Rossetto, 1959 
(B41) Sicilian, Kan, 37 moves, 1-0

6. A small oversight
Fischer vs Shocron, 1959 
(C97) Ruy Lopez, Closed, Chigorin, 40 moves, 1-0

7. Pride goeth
F Olafsson vs Fischer, 1959 
(E93) King's Indian, Petrosian System, 40 moves, 0-1

8. Meat and potatoes
Fischer vs Keres, 1959 
(C99) Ruy Lopez, Closed, Chigorin,, 81 moves, 1-0

9. Betwixt the cup and the lip
E Walther vs Fischer, 1959 
(B99) Sicilian, Najdorf, 7...Be7 Main line, 67 moves, 1/2-1/2

10. Milking the cow
Fischer vs Unzicker, 1959 
(C97) Ruy Lopez, Closed, Chigorin, 65 moves, 1-0

11. Unheard melodies
Fischer vs Benko, 1959 
(B57) Sicilian, 27 moves, 1-0

12. Castling into it
Gligoric vs Fischer, 1959 
(B99) Sicilian, Najdorf, 7...Be7 Main line, 57 moves, 1/2-1/2

13. Something new
Fischer vs Gligoric, 1959 
(B57) Sicilian, 32 moves, 1-0

14. Too many cooks
Keres vs Fischer, 1959 
(B99) Sicilian, Najdorf, 7...Be7 Main line, 53 moves, 0-1

15. A whopper
Smyslov vs Fischer, 1959 
(B99) Sicilian, Najdorf, 7...Be7 Main line, 54 moves, 0-1

16. Four Queens
Fischer vs Petrosian, 1959 
(B11) Caro-Kann, Two Knights, 3...Bg4, 48 moves, 1/2-1/2

17. A very near miss
Fischer vs Tal, 1959 
(B87) Sicilian, Fischer-Sozin with ...a6 and ...b5, 52 moves, 0-1

18. Old wine in a new bottle
Spassky vs Fischer, 1960 
(C39) King's Gambit Accepted, 29 moves, 1-0

19. A long voyage home
A Gudmundsson vs Fischer, 1960 
(D95) Grunfeld, 27 moves, 0-1

20. Theoretical scuffle
Fischer vs Euwe, 1960 
(B14) Caro-Kann, Panov-Botvinnik Attack, 36 moves, 1-0

21. A Queen for the King
Letelier vs Fischer, 1960 
(E70) King's Indian, 23 moves, 0-1

22. Bad judgment
Szabo vs Fischer, 1960 
(E70) King's Indian, 24 moves, 0-1

23. No holds barred
Fischer vs Tal, 1960 
(C18) French, Winawer, 21 moves, 1/2-1/2

24. Asking for trouble
Fischer vs K Darga, 1960 
(C19) French, Winawer, Advance, 30 moves, 1-0

25. When the Maroczy didn't bind
Lombardy vs Fischer, 1960 
(B54) Sicilian, 43 moves, 0-1

26. Time will tell
Fischer vs Reshevsky, 1961 
(B32) Sicilian, 38 moves, 1-0

27. Sheer pyrotechnics
Reshevsky vs Fischer, 1961 
(D42) Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch, 7.Bd3, 57 moves, 0-1

28. A peccable draw
Reshevsky vs Fischer, 1961 
(E98) King's Indian, Orthodox, Taimanov, 9.Ne1, 57 moves, 1/2-1/2

29. Hoist with his own petard
Fischer vs Geller, 1961 
(C72) Ruy Lopez, Modern Steinitz Defense, 5.O-O, 22 moves, 1-0

30. A lyrical performance
Gligoric vs Fischer, 1961 
(E98) King's Indian, Orthodox, Taimanov, 9.Ne1, 33 moves, 1/2-1/2

31. The sincerest form of flattery
Fischer vs Petrosian, 1961 
(B17) Caro-Kann, Steinitz Variation, 36 moves, 1-0

32. The moral victor
Fischer vs Tal, 1961 
(B47) Sicilian, Taimanov (Bastrikov) Variation, 47 moves, 1-0

33. The drawing master
Fischer vs P Trifunovic, 1961 
(C80) Ruy Lopez, Open, 73 moves, 1-0

34. Hanging pawns unhung
M Bertok vs Fischer, 1962 
(D59) Queen's Gambit Declined, Tartakower, 31 moves, 0-1

35. A brilliant cadenza
Fischer vs Julio Bolbochan, 1962  
(B90) Sicilian, Najdorf, 37 moves, 1-0

36. Gaston and Alphonse
Fischer vs Korchnoi, 1962 
(C91) Ruy Lopez, Closed, 44 moves, 1-0

37. Only a draw
Keres vs Fischer, 1962 
(B20) Sicilian, 77 moves, 1/2-1/2

38. Detective story
Fischer vs Keres, 1962 
(C96) Ruy Lopez, Closed, 41 moves, 1-0

39. The confrontation
Botvinnik vs Fischer, 1962 
(D98) Grunfeld, Russian, 68 moves, 1/2-1/2

40. The Najdorf Variation
Fischer vs Najdorf, 1962 
(B90) Sicilian, Najdorf, 24 moves, 1-0

41. A bright cameo
Fischer vs Robatsch, 1962 
(B01) Scandinavian, 20 moves, 1-0

42. Playing by ear
Unzicker vs Fischer, 1962  
(B92) Sicilian, Najdorf, Opocensky Variation, 26 moves, 0-1

43. The missing link
Fischer vs Reshevsky, 1962 
(B90) Sicilian, Najdorf, 54 moves, 1-0

44. Shock treatment
Fischer vs Fine, 1963 
(C52) Evans Gambit, 17 moves, 1-0

45. Ghosts
Fischer vs Bisguier, 1963 
(C59) Two Knights, 29 moves, 1-0

46. Romp
Fischer vs Benko, 1963 
(B09) Pirc, Austrian Attack, 21 moves, 1-0

47. The Indian sign?
Fischer vs Bisguier, 1963 
(C98) Ruy Lopez, Closed, Chigorin, 35 moves, 1-0

48. The brilliancy prize
R Byrne vs Fischer, 1963  
(E60) King's Indian Defense, 21 moves, 0-1

49. A complex trap
Fischer vs R Steinmeyer, 1963 
(B18) Caro-Kann, Classical, 17 moves, 1-0

50. Tour de force
Fischer vs O Celle, 1964 
(C51) Evans Gambit, 27 moves, 1-0

51. Squeeze play
Fischer vs Smyslov, 1965 
(C77) Ruy Lopez, 43 moves, 1-0

52. Peekaboo strategy
Fischer vs Rossolimo, 1965 
(C12) French, McCutcheon, 32 moves, 1-0

53. Black magic
Portisch vs Fischer, 1966 
(E45) Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3, Bronstein (Byrne) Variation, 35 moves, 0-1

54. Najdorf's night off from the Najdorf
Fischer vs Najdorf, 1966 
(B44) Sicilian, 47 moves, 1-0

55. The price of incaution
Fischer vs J B Bednarski, 1966 
(B90) Sicilian, Najdorf, 22 moves, 1-0

56. The Fischer continuation
Fischer vs Gligoric, 1966 
(C69) Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4, 25 moves, 1-0

57. Change of pace
Larsen vs Fischer, 1967 
(E97) King's Indian, 61 moves, 0-1

58. Flawed masterpiece
Fischer vs Geller, 1967 
(B89) Sicilian, 23 moves, 0-1

59. The erring Bishop
Kholmov vs Fischer, 1967 
(A49) King's Indian, Fianchetto without c4, 32 moves, 0-1

60. When champions meet
Fischer vs Stein, 1967 
(C92) Ruy Lopez, Closed, 56 moves, 1-0

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