Thomason vs Robert James Fischer
Lincoln ch-US jr 1955  ·  King's Indian Defense: Normal Variation. Rare Defenses (E90)  ·  0-1

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Kibitzer's Corner
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Oct-23-03   talchess2003: We often talk about how Fischer has a keen tactical eye and thorough knowledge of the openings.. yet we often forget how an acute positional player he is. I totally missed that attack that he gained after the exchange in the center. This must be the result of so much study of Capablanca - it is hard to find such subtle maneuvers in these kinds of positions.
May-24-04   Jstone: I think it is important to know that the moves "ARE THERE".If you take the moment and observe you will see it. And there you will find your chee!! And soon it will be time to move again. And it is there that you need to know that the best move "IS THERE".It has to be or you lose. Find it! And if it is not there,it may be there on the next move or it could be hopeless. But if its not the case,Yes, if itsn not the case; The best and most powerful move is there.You simply must believe that and find it and you "will".
May-24-04   Everett: Alchemist, Seirawan does play Bd3, but does so before moving his King's knight, allowing Ne2 a move later, making it immune to pins by black's bishop. Check out these games.

According to the database, Seirawan's record over 24 games is 11w 10d 3l. Not bad. His loss to J. Polgar is listed twice.

If the above link doesn't work, Search Seirawan as white with ECO E70

Jun-22-04   crippledpawn: Well I have not been to the site in a while, and what do I find, one of my favorite sites, being taken over by greed!!!! First they hook you with there Opening Book Explorer for free, and then when you get to really liking it, Gotcha!!! pay pay pay. These games do not belong to them, they belong to everyone who loves chess. You know they did not pay to have them in there data base, but got them free from other sites around the web and from kind hearted folks who sent them PGN game files for free. SHAME SHAME SHAME
Jun-23-04   600POUNDGORILLA: Give me a break crippledpawn. Chessgames has to pay for their bandwidth somehow. This is still the best chess site.
Jun-23-04   600POUNDGORILLA: An ineptly played game by Thomason.
Jun-23-04   Bobsterman3000: <crippledpawn> If the games are so free than you go out and run a free site yourself. When you go to buy the servers you'll see that it isn't free to run a Website...
Premium Chessgames Member
  iron maiden: Not to mention the time they spend on it. Of course you'll never read these posts anyway, but what the hey.
Jun-23-04   EyesofBlue: How old was Fischer when he was playing this... how old was his opponent?
Premium Chessgames Member
  iron maiden: <EyesofBlue> Fischer was twelve years old. Not sure about Thomason, but he must have been young since it is the junior championship.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Knight13: Good game.
Aug-25-04   wall: Jimmy Thomason of Fort Worth, Texas was 14 and rated 1600. Fischer was 12 (the youngest player in the event) and rate 1830. They both scored 5-5. 19.Bc2? was bad. Better is 19.Nc3 or 19.Rad1. 20.Qd2? is bad. Perhaps 20.Qd1 Nxc4 21.Rb1. Finally, 21.Qf2?? loses. Best, but still bad is 21.Qd3 Nxb2 22.Qd2 Nc4 23.Qd1 Nxc2 24.Qxc2 Bxa1
Dec-09-04   chess man: I agree <Knight13> it was a good game.
Aug-22-05   gomickeylol: Good game? Thomason dropped his queen!!!!
Mar-04-06   mac17: Knight penetration was beautiful....had to succeed....
Mar-18-06   Whitehat1963: Fischer's first win in the database. And he never moves his queen!
Apr-14-06   YoungFischerSnapper: It's interesting to see how quickly Fischer caught up in pawn development, after playing a KID opening that saw his opponent play three straight Pawn to D,C,E-4 squares. Thomason tried a pawn press on young Fischer, but the Bronx Bomber quickly proved to be more than equal to the task of refuting such an attack!
Apr-14-06   IMDONE4: Im once again suprised that such an attacking initiative player such as Fischer played the King's Indian. He got a great initiative and won the game spectacturally with a tactic, but it could have been the other way around if white had played one of the variations more promising for white, maybe the four pawns attack giving Fischer a hard and somewhat passive position to defend, not his style.
Apr-14-06   euripides: What really makes a KID player's heart sink is one of the various exchange variations: Botvinnik vs Tal, 1961
Premium Chessgames Member
  Gregor Samsa Mendel: <IMDONE4>--I think Fischer's opening choices were explained pretty well by this comment (made by a kibitizer I haven't agreed with 100% of the time!):

<RookFile: It's true that Fischer and Karpov had completely different notions of how to play the black pieces. Karpov was content to get a draw against a roughly equal player - Fischer sat down playing for a win, through crazy methods like the Poisoned Pawn Najdorf Sicilian. The result was fewer losses for Karpov, but more wins for Fischer.

As White, though, I find a lot in common between Fischer and Karpov. Both were pretty conservative in their play, and content to grind down opponents in the endgame.

The above generalizations have exceptions, of course.>

Apr-14-06   YoungFischerSnapper: Great post, <Gregor Samsa Mendel>! ;)

Both Josh Waitzin and Bobby Fischer loved attacking chess, especially playing as Black. I hold the belief, however, that a player must attack in a game of chess. Anything less would be uncivilized.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Gregor Samsa Mendel: <YoungFischerSnapper>--RookFile (formerly JohnnyRambo), is that you??
Apr-14-06   YoungFischerSnapper: <Gregor Samsa Mendel> No, GSM, I am a brand new kibitzer here in I am sure that JohnnyRambo was an excellent kibitzer, but I prefer my own legacy.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Chess Classics: What's the point of 14...Kh7? I can't see any reason to defend the h-pawn-it seems adequately defended.


Feb-15-07   JIRKA KADLEC: 7.0-0 (7.h3 Marshall - Reti, New York 1924)8.Be3 (8.Be2) 8...Nd7 (8...e5) 11...Ne7?! (11...Nd4!?) 13.f4?! (13.f3 / 13...f4 14.Bf2 a5 15.Qc2 Re8) 13...h6?! (13...fxe4 14.Nxe4 Nf5=) 14.Bd3 (14.fxe5 Nxe5 15.Qd2 Kh7 16.Nb5 fxe4 17.Nd4 ) 14...Kh7 (14...fxe4; 14...exf4) 15.Qe2 (15.Qc2 ) 15...fxe4 (15...exf4) 16.Nxe4 (16.Bxe4 ) 19.Bc2? (19.Rae1=; 19.Rac1=) 20.Qd2? (20.Qd1 ) 21.Qf2? Rxf4!
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