User Profile
Member since Sep-03-07
i'm a little frog who thinks dilbert is cool. i particularly like the dog.

- on the internet, everybody knows i'm a frog


the live top list has found a permanent home at

i'm happy for corrections regarding players, tournaments or games accidentally left out of the live top list, which intends to cover all players currently above fide 2700. feedback and corrections should be sent to chess(at) in order to make sure that it reaches me. thanks for your help and your patience.


please note that negative or critical mention of <any> kibitzer is not welcome in my player pages. any chess related discussion is ok, whether it's about games, ratings or great chess players. slander and disrespectful language about real players, whether super-gms or super-patzers, is not acceptable. other than that, please use my player pages for any general chess topic. i trust you to behave. :o)


from the live top list 2008-08-27:

1. anand 2798,0
2. ivanchuk 2787,8
3. carlsen 2787,1
5. topalov 2777,0
7. radjabov 2752,3
8. aronian 2751,6

bilbao live average: 2775,6 ~ 2776 = cat. 22

ps! the bilbao website uses live ratings in their player bios :o) [ ]

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   frogbert has kibitzed 2920 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-24-08 Magnus Carlsen
frogbert: <Not surprisingly, <frogbert> found some errors that he felt compelled to point out, hehehe!> oh, i went rather easy on the "inaccuracies", i think. just mentioned the important one (hardliner - magnusch) and the typo i thought was funny. :o)
   Sep-23-08 alexmagnus chessforum (replies)
frogbert: <calibrates it so that the average rating of <the same 18 players> remains the same> alexmagnus that the step i wondered about, really. this sort of is "similar" to how i in the calculations i've made on fide lists after 2000 have compared <the same> (active) ...
   Sep-23-08 Hans Arild Runde (replies)
frogbert: <why is there no <donations link> at your live ratings site?> geauxcool, thanks for the implicit positive feedback. :o) i haven't really considered donations, but my immediate reaction was that i would probably spend more time setting up a way to handle this (paypal, ...
   Sep-23-08 Hikaru Nakamura
frogbert: belgradegambit, i posted about that last week, with a little more info than what you site here, see Magnus Carlsen timhortons, thanks for checking out about the fide rating and telling me. :o)
   Sep-23-08 Anatoli Karpov (replies)
frogbert: <achieve: A select few, will understand. AFTER they've entered-- and left the 'system', of course.> "Ooooh... Aaaaah"
   Sep-20-08 Russia vs China Match (2008) (replies)
frogbert: anyone who thinks it's important to update the live ratings after today's games in the china - russia match? nobody changed places, and the biggest adjustment was to wang yue and svidler, who gained/dropped 5 tenths of a point...
   Sep-20-08 SPICE Cup (2008) (replies)
frogbert: dx9293, i don't enjoy nakamura's lack of progress or anything. not at all. i might "enjoy" that more and more of nakamura's fans start to realize and agree with me on this, as expressed by you here (<if this "focus issue" [...] doesn't change, then Nakamura WILL NOT fulfill his ...
   Sep-17-08 Wang Yue (replies)
frogbert: i'm afraid to say that i might have created some false illusions about the october list. it turned out that jakovenko had one more game so far unknown to me (39 instead of 38 games this rating period), and he won that game. that game will make jakovenko number ten (for the 2nd ...
   Sep-14-08 Bilbao Grand Slam Chess Final (2008) (replies)
frogbert: just a technicality: anand wasn't <invited> to this event, he <qualified> to it, as did aronian and ivanchuk, by their wins in linares, corus and mtel. the three players being <invited>, were carlsen, topalov and radjabov. originally, there were supposed to be 4 ...
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