Player profile: Wesley So
Opening: Sicilian (B30)

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Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. S Sjugirov vs W So 1-033 2005 Belfort YWCC boys under 12B30 Sicilian
2. M Ardeshi vs W So  ½-½27 2007 Asian Individual ChampionshipB30 Sicilian
3. C Sandipan vs W So ½-½55 2007 Asian Individual ChampionshipB30 Sicilian
4. G Meier vs W So  ½-½14 2007 World Junior ChampionshipB30 Sicilian
5. S Megaranto vs W So  ½-½67 2008 Japfa MatchB30 Sicilian
6. N Situru vs W So  ½-½33 2008 ASEAN Masters Circuit GMAB30 Sicilian
7. A Al Sulaiti vs W So 0-123 2008 Dubai OpenB30 Sicilian
8. S Megaranto vs W So  ½-½45 2008 Japfa MatchB30 Sicilian
9. Tirto vs W So  ½-½11 2008 ASEAN Masters Circuit GMAB30 Sicilian
10. S Megaranto vs W So  0-136 2008 Japfa MatchB30 Sicilian
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | So wins | So loses  

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