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Wesley So vs Michael Prusikin
"So Creative" (game of the day Apr-22-08)
Bad Wiesse 2006  ·  French Defense: Classical. Steinitz Variation (C14)  ·  1-0

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Kibitzer's Corner
Aug-16-07   shintaro go: This game can very well be a game of the day. The kid Wesley So's imagination is quite something. The creativity award is deserved.
Premium Chessgames Member
  arsen387: Really delightful game by So. Maybe black's mistake was 18..cxd4? Instead 18..Nc6 could be better, developing a piece and securing the back. And maybe someone could give a computer evaluation, whether 19..dxe3 is better than the actual move played in the game.
Apr-22-08   nanobrain: If 18...Nc6 So wins a pawn by 19.Nxd5 exd5, 20.Re6
Premium Chessgames Member
  arsen387: <nanobrain: If 18...Nc6 So wins a pawn by 19.Nxd5 exd5, 20.Re6> yeah, and that rook on 6th rank will remain as a bone in black's throat. Really neat tactics, missed that. Thanks for correcting
Apr-22-08   arnaud1959: I think 13.-f5 was necessary. It leaves white with a solid pawn chain but after Ba6 and exchange of B's Black can look for counterplay on the Q-side.
Apr-22-08   shintaro go: My prediction came true. Thanks for making this a game of the day..Bad Wiesse is where Wesley got his first GM norm and now he's a full-fledged GM.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Jimfromprovidence: I preferred 14...Nxe6, not Qxe6.

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It prevents white from playing Ng5 as the black knight now guards the h7 square.

Apr-22-08   I Stink: Is it just me, or did black play as poorly as I do? And I stink.
Apr-22-08   AAAAron: So, take a shower......
Premium Chessgames Member
  whiteshark: It So happens!
Premium Chessgames Member
  kevin86: So What? Black wasted so much time pushing queen side pawns and had no time to defend himself.

He was "so in love" with the QSP's

Premium Chessgames Member
  benjinathan: Poor black rook and knight, watching the action from afar.
Apr-22-08   balweg214: "So Creative"
The game was one of the 14 best creative achievements of November 2006 by the Russian website "e3e5"

Premium Chessgames Member
  Knight to f6: In my opinion Black's Q-side pawn movements weren't his only flaw. Actually, all the pawn moves starting with g7-g6 seem at least a bit suspicious. He should have really brought out his Queen's Knight.

Great play by So though! I expected him to sacrifice one knight, but after Nxe6 I didn't even consider the second sac with Nxd5! Then again, the knight couldn't be taken.

What can I say, great game!

Apr-22-08   ex0duz: I'm thinking 14.Qxf6 is the start of blacks flawed defensive strategy, since after 16.Ne3, white is subsequently threatening 17.Ng4, with a gain of time and a what seems to be a fairly strong attack/position. I guess thats part of the reason black further chose to weaken his king and pawn structure with 16.h5, and also possibly to stop any future h4-h5 pawn storm ideas. Blacks position just detiorated rapidly after this move..

I also agree with most other posters in that he should have recaptured the f6 pawn with his knight, and vacate the d7 square for his other knight. That would also have saved him from having to play the just as equally questionable g7-g6 defense.

Premium Chessgames Member
  PinnedPiece: 21 Re7! What a way to defend the Knight on d5! Very insightful move.

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