Vladimir Kramnik vs Aljosa Grosar
Sochi (Russia) 1989  ·  Sicilian Defense: Boleslavsky. General Variation (B58)  ·  1/2-1/2

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Kibitzer's Corner
Feb-06-06   iamverywellatchess: I would have played 48. Rc6 CHECK! just to see if black was paying attention. Sometimes a CHECK! can scare your oponnent into forgetting there is an easy move that can be played to remove the CHECK!
Premium Chessgames Member
  dakgootje: <I would have played 48. Rc6 CHECK! just to see if black was paying attention.>Yes of course...48. Rc6 after which follows 48. ...bxc6 and white is hopeless lost instead of having a draw...where is the win exactly?
Feb-09-06   blingice: <dakgootje> His style is hyper-hyper modern. It apparently doesn't follow the rules of Chess, either, where people don't have to move out of check.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Stonehenge: Apt username as well.
Sep-13-08   ravel5184: I just took the time to read over all <iamverywellatchess>'s kibitzes. Hilarious stuff.

I really would like to know what goes on in <blingice chessforum>.

Also <EmperorAtahualpa chessforum> as well.


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