Boris Gelfand vs Vladimir Kramnik
"Vlad to the Bone" (game of the day Nov-06-05)
European Club Cup 1996  ·  Semi-Slav Defense: Stoltz Variation. Shabalov Attack (D45)  ·  0-1

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  acirce: I gave up the Yusupov collection when I realized how many games I liked by him that were missing from this database.
Nov-06-05   EmperorAtahualpa: Awesome GOTD! This should teach all the Kramnik-haters!

This one is definetely going into my favorite games collection.

Nov-06-05   misguidedaggression: Actually, I think the main reason many people hate Kramnik is because he can play like this, but doesn't. I don't hate the guy, but when I see games like this, it just makes me wonder how many would-be Kramnik brilliancies ended in 10-20 move draws.
Premium Chessgames Member
  chancho: Vladimir Kramnik, will not play chess at a subpar level forever.I'm sure that he will turn it around. He has all the talent to do so.
Nov-06-05   aw1988: Isn't that Molly?
Premium Chessgames Member
  kevin86: First,a passive queen sac leads to a mate on the a-file---then the lethal active queen sac ends with a mate on white's first row!!
Nov-07-05   alexandrovm: <aw1988: Kramnik's problem isn't concentration.> and your guess is... <but when I see games like this, it just makes me wonder how many would-be Kramnik brilliancies ended in 10-20 move draws.> very well posted!
Nov-07-05   aw1988: Sure, but being an opportunist and lack of concentration are two different things.
Nov-07-05   alexandrovm: <aw1988: Sure, but being an opportunist and lack of concentration are two different things.> My guess is that he lacked concentration in the games he made big blunders. And, what is your guess? That's my question.
Nov-07-05   aw1988: Oh, the blunders? Sure.
Nov-07-05   Petrocephalon: <tpstar> <Sparkling brilliancy - very impressive victory by Kramnik, and seemingly effortless> Yes, and this becomes all the more apparent on playing through the similar games and comparing Kramnik's play to other player's efforts with the black side of this opening.

<9.a3 seems like a wasted tempo. Doesn't black want to play Bxc3 anyway?> <Presumably Nxd5 would be positionally incorrect...> to answer my own questions, on reflection 9.a3 has the merit of supporting a possible Bb4, and is probably a perfectly respectable alternative move.

Nov-13-05   alexandrovm: white's king was too exposed. I think Kramnik just crushed Gelfand here, nice game.
Premium Chessgames Member
  drmariogodrob: <ajile> I'm certain Gelfand would have loved to be able to play 17. gxf3 ep, but as it was that would only have opened up his king to attack after 17. ... Qxf3. The knight cannot be defended, so it must move (to e5 or g1, neither pretty choices), uncovering an undefended blow against f7. The king can escape, but white is lost.
Feb-16-06   abcpokerboy: This game brings to mind many faint and hazy remebrances of things long since past: the misspent days of my youth, the simple pleasures of lazing about with friends, Vladimir Kramnik playing interesting chess. All are but fading memories...
Aug-06-06   ronaldducalang: What if 27 Bxc3
Jan-03-07   sneaky pete: <ronaldducalang> If 27.Bxc3 dxc3 white has no defence against .. cxb2+ e.g. 28.Nd4 cxb2+ 29.Rxb2 Rxb2 30.Nxe6 Rb1+ 31.Ka2 R8b2# or 29.Ka2 Rxa3++ 30.Kxa3 Qa6+ 31.Qa5 Qxa5#.
Jan-18-07   Holmstrom: Great game, b5! brilliant!
Jan-18-07   Octavia: Mcdonald, "chess:the art of logical thinking", game 19 - explained move by move
Premium Chessgames Member
  plang: This is one of my favorite Kramnik games. The final combination is breathtaking. It is a shame he no longer plays with this energy.
Feb-25-07   beginner64: What is the problem for white after:
27. Bxf3 exf3
28. Nd4
Feb-26-07   Albertan: Gelfand played Rxc5 a move too early. Instead of 25.Rxc5? he should have played 25.Qxa7 and after 25...d3 26.Rxc5 Nxc5 27.Qxc5 Rc8 28.Nd4 Rxc5 29.Nxe6 he would have had equality.
Feb-26-07   positionalbrilliancy: <beginner64: What is the problem for white after: 27. Bxf3 exf3 28. Nd4> Well assuming you mean 27. Bxc3 exc3 28. Nd4, black can play 28...cxb2+ now if 29. Rxb2 Rxb2 threatening mate
30. Nxe6 Rb1+
31. Kh1 R8b2#
if 29. Kh2 Rxa3!!
30. Kxa3 forced since it is double check
30...Qa6+ with mate in two.

Someone with a comp. might want to check this though.

Feb-26-07   beginner64: <positionalbrilliancy: Assuming you meant 27. Bxc3, dxc3. 28. Nd4..... Rxa3!! ... Qa6+>

Yes, thats what I meant.

Thanks I had missed Qa6+ with mate in two.

Aug-05-08   Hector Maluy: I think that 19)Qxb5 was not a good idea.
What do you think?
Oct-25-08   Andrijadj: Ok vlad,play the next black game vs anand like this one and you will probably win...At least you can go down with honor:)
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