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square dance
Member since Feb-15-03 · Last seen Sep-30-08

my favorite players of all time are Jose Raul Capablanca, and Paul Morphy because of their natural genius and overall excellence. i enjoy all styles of chess and most chess players. my very favorite active player is

Vladimir Kramnik (world champion 2000-07)

after that i have a small, but growing group of players that i root for more than everyone else.

Viswanathan Anand (current world champion 2007-?)

Levon Aronian

Magnus Carlsen (future world champion 20??-?)(also future top 5 player. :-P)

Gata Kamsky

Sergey Karjakin

Peter Leko

Alexander Morozevich

Hikaru Nakamura

Teimour Radjabov

historically, i admire several others such as Garry Kasparov, Robert James Fischer, Anatoli Karpov, Mikhail Tal, Emanuel Lasker, Boris Spassky, and Alexander Alekhine.

this link provides a summary of the events that took place between 1998 and 2000 involving garry kasparov, vladimir kramnik, alexey shirov, vishy anand and the classical chess world championship.

mating themes: basic mating themes.

chess log... a database of tournament results covering the years 2003-05. chess quotes a tactics server worth checking out. 3,4 and 5 piece tablebases. chess media. chess media. chess news, etc. chess articles including interviews, informator analysis, etc. downloadable chess books including many classics, some in russian. chess puzzles listed by player and opening. great site. -capablanca, rare film. -kramnik becomes the undisputed world champion.


<Dear Vladimir,

We are writing as a small group of Grandmasters, but we believe that we represent the views of the vast majority of our colleagues. We simply wanted to let you know that we think you have suffered a gross injustice, and that you have our support.

We appreciate that you are now under immense psychological pressure, and that it must be difficult to continue to play well in the context of such blatant bias, unfairness, and hostility.

Good luck in the days ahead. If you manage to win in these circumstances you will be a worthy champion indeed.

Best wishes,

GM Jonathan Rowson (Scotland)
GM Peter Heine Nielsen (Denmark)
GM Magnus Carlsen (Norway)
GM Jan Gustafsson (Germany)
GM Tomi Nyback (Finland)
GM Luke McShane (England)
GM Loek Van Wely (Netherlands)>


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   square dance has kibitzed 7994 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-30-08 Anand-Kramnik World Championship Match (2008) (replies)
square dance: <nikiml> this has actually been explained more than once. kramnik used a russian idiom when he said what was translated as "lending anand the title". in fact, it was apparently the same russian idiom that alekhine used when talking about his match revenge with euwe. it ...
   Sep-27-08 Anatoli Karpov (replies)
square dance: <anzer> you may want to ask this question of <ray keene> on his page. i know he previously pointed to an exact move in one of the karpov-kasparov matches.
   Sep-27-08 Jose Raul Capablanca (replies)
square dance: <visayanbraindoctor> sure is! can you believe its never even been nominated for a caissar?!
   Sep-25-08 Vladimir Kramnik (replies)
square dance: <blueofnoon> <The point of your first post was "ratings nor rankings have to do with the world title"... right> my original point was that you dont know your recent chess history very well. <If so, the only way to prove you are worthy champion is to keep ...
   Sep-22-08 Viswanathan Anand (replies)
square dance: we all expect topalov to get in a cheapo on kramnik every now and then(and vice versa), but criticizing anand based on his world ranking is idiotic beyond even what i would expect from topalov/danailov. anand has been one of the most consistent players in chess history. sure, ...
   Sep-19-08 Hans Arild Runde (replies)
square dance: <frog> thanks. i look forward to the new additions to the site.
   Sep-18-08 Elmir Guseinov (replies)
square dance: probably a couple of years ago i asked gadir if he was related to any of the chess playing guseinov's and he said no.
   Sep-17-08 Veselin Topalov (replies)
square dance: this topalov guy has no shame. anand drops out of the top 3 for the first time in over a decade and he pops off about it at the first chance.
   Sep-11-08 Nigel Short (replies)
square dance: i still think woody is a trollnik.
   Sep-11-08 zoat22 chessforum (replies)
square dance: our personal mutual dislike aside, surely smyslov should be higher than #10 on the best endgame players list.
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