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The Rocket
Member since Nov-01-07 · Last seen Sep-13-08
My name is Rocket and I am a big
fan of chess. I currently have no ranking but I am training in a chess clubb and is hopeful to be a future grandmaster(no I am not crazy).

My grandfather actually played a draw against Karpov in a simul(back when Karpov had his matches with kasparov)given that my grandfather had no ranking(from what I understand) the result is really fantastic.

My best results: UPDATED: Drawn Shredder classic 3 with the highest limit 2400 elo with a blitz time controll of 5min. Queens indian defence opening, I had the white pieces

I have also drawn Crafty(from dasher) playing as black the kings indian defence a blitz game 5min each.

By now many draws against the Rybka beta version 2.32 in blitz and rapid time controlls.

I have Drawn chessmaster GM edition several times, and beaten the Kamsky(CM10th edition) profil two times(winning on time on both ocassions)

The best human I have beaten was at one point said to have a club rating of 1960. I beat him easily the first game and lost the next two games against him.

I have also drawn Conny holst at his best rated 2408: Conny Holst

   The Rocket has kibitzed 294 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-12-08 Bilbao Grand Slam Chess Final (2008) (replies)
The Rocket: I see that the classical nimzo indian(qc2) is very common in gm chess but before I learned the the theory of these variations I simply played 4.bd2 and got perfectly playable positions so its not concidered bad is it?
   Sep-12-08 Kibitzer's Café (replies)
The Rocket: I just mated chessmaster gm edition after the alekhine profile gave away its queen for free! in a 5 min game... Is this a system meltdown or what? it has happened one other time also.
   Sep-12-08 Robert James Fischer (replies)
The Rocket: "I think Federer is like 14-1 against Roddick. " Federer is 15-2... but in exhibition matches they are like 3-3 or even 4-3 to roddick now... I think it was something like that. Roddicks forehand has gotten really weak since I woould say a bit after australian open 2005... ...
   Sep-10-08 Hikaru Nakamura (replies)
The Rocket: "hand banana" what was the time controll for Nakamura vs Kasparov aka rafael? games.
   Sep-06-08 Topalov vs Kasparov, 1996
The Rocket: This game shows how unatural moves like ra6 often are bad ones... Of course there are exeptions but I have often found that the most natural moves is often the strongest one.
   Sep-05-08 Bisguier vs Larsen, 1965 (replies)
The Rocket: why not 15 bishop takes rook for white?
   Sep-04-08 Tseshkovsky vs I Polgar, 1964 (replies)
The Rocket: "The question being which move you should see for black on move 13. Polgar didn't see that move while he was playing the game, and I think he was an above average player at the time." Yes thats right but if black takes the bishop an average player should see 14. rook takes e6. ...
   Sep-04-08 Anatoli Karpov (replies)
The Rocket: Talking about Karpovs opening repertoar I am curious to know if I get more winning chances by playing Ruy Lopez(breyer, zaitzev or Chigorin) than playing Caro-kann?. Are those Ruy Lopez variations concidered less drawish than Caro-kann?.
   Sep-03-08 Opocensky vs Alekhine, 1925 (replies)
The Rocket: took me abut a 1 min to find. Alekhine seems to be a good guy to have in these puzzles.
   Sep-01-08 Szabo vs L Liptay, 1962 (replies)
The Rocket: Wow I can draw and beat 2700+ chess engines but I cant see this easy combination
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