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technical draw
Member since Nov-18-03 · Last seen Sep-13-08
Testing is over and my true ELO is between 1900 and 2000 which will put me in the nether world of the "expert". A strange creature that can have moments of inspiration and beat a grandmaster and then get killed by a 1400 player. So no 2200 for me from now on I'll just be a "good" player.
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   technical draw has kibitzed 5366 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-13-08 Bilbao Grand Slam Chess Final (2008) (replies)
technical draw: Topalov will probably win this tournament, but if he doesn't he'll win the best dressed player award.
   Sep-13-08 technical draw chessforum
technical draw: I can't play chess under these conditions because you lose your concentration and get jittery and can't stand still for very long. So my hopes of getting a 2000 rating at QA is getting harder and soon I'll start losing on time. (well at least I haven't spilled coffee on my ...
   Sep-12-08 Kibitzer's Café (replies)
technical draw: <artyom 2008> That's the black wins link. So don't be surprised if it shows only black wins. I think you're just joking, right?
   Sep-12-08 Chessgames Bookie chessforum (replies)
technical draw: <malthrope> Now I know why you're so far ahead of the group. You sent for that handicapping computer. Darn I thought it was another rip off.! Well, I might as well put on my X-ray glasses and go for a walk....TD
   Sep-12-08 Robert James Fischer (replies)
technical draw: In tennis you switch sides after a set. So maybe in chess a player can have the option of switching sides once during a game. To rule out immediate switch back 5 moves must be made before the other player can switch. That would be more fun than FRC.
   Sep-10-08 Topalov vs Carlsen, 2008 (replies)
technical draw: <ChessGames.Com> I know you are nice guys and great programmers. So maybe you can put a "flip board" option" on the live games?
   Sep-09-08 Team White vs Team Black, 2008 (replies)
   Sep-09-08 JoeWms chessforum (replies)
technical draw: Good Luck, Joe. I Googled <EECP> it's very interesting science, but I didn't like the part about it being a last resort treatment. Anyway everyone will eventually have a last resort treatment. Good Luck...I think fighter pilots use a similar technique to prevent ...
   Sep-06-08 Artar1 chessforum (replies)
   Sep-01-08 J Langreck vs Juan Gonzalez, 2001
technical draw: Juan Gonzalez was a good baseball player, but a lousy chess player. 1454 rating against 2227. I wonder if he thought he had a chance when he wielded the Louisville slugger.
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Kibitzer's Corner
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Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: <Wannabe> Thanks to the 3 stooges I have my own law firm: Dewey, Chittum and Howe. Anyway check out what the president of the non-profit Red Cross was earning. I demand equality!
Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: Want have fun at a party against a "know it all"

Ask everyone what what 10% of 24 hours is.

The know it all will quickly reply 2 hours and 40 minutes.

Of course this in incorrect and you can start laughing at him/her.

The correct answer is 2 hours and 24 minutes.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Artar1: <We need your vote in our Battle of the Brains2 game. Can you vote right now? The team needs you. Thanks!>
Sep-06-08   falso contacto: you know how to deal with poverty
Premium Chessgames Member
  Artar1: Thanks <technical draw>! We got in a tight spot and you saved us! Wow! Thanks again!
Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: <Artar1> What the heck did I do, and will I get paid?...TD.....

<falso contacto> I was once rich and now I'm poor and I can tell you rich is better...TD

Premium Chessgames Member
  klangenfarben: <TD> Sorry to hear about your clonazepam experience. I've been taking it off-and-on for some time without the withdrawal effects you wrote of. Different strokes for different folks...
Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: Thanks <klangen> I just took one just now and I only have a couple left. I hope my new supply arrives Monday.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Artar1: <technical draw>:

Why certainly! The check is in the mail, and it should arrive soon, very soon.

Sep-07-08   myschkin: . . .

LOL I meant your avatars, get glasses und .... Old Europe ... is Gute Nacht, right now :D

Good to "see" you battlesome <Doc>!

Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: <myschkin> Oh, I see now! You're right it IS kindergarden...Very good observation. Sorry I went on the defensive. Anyway my poor little baby will be gone in 15 days. I need a miracle...!
Premium Chessgames Member
  artyom2008: cmon anybody wanna do some analisis on arno nickel no ? my fourm
Sep-08-08   myschkin: . . .

We stretch time a bit (I really have no idea if it is funny when you understand Spanish, but for a German without a clue it was almost narkononsense :) )

Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: <myschkin> I had already seen that video and to me it is very unfunny slapstick type "comedy". It's uncensored and maybe they think that makes its funny. Just silliness with bad words. Some people may find that funny. I don't....TD
Premium Chessgames Member
  klangenfarben: <technical draw>: One thing about that pharmaceutical is that it takes about a week to kick in and a week to wear off. You are probably best off getting a pill-splitter and weaning yourself gradually (when appropriate). From your narrative, your system may expunge it quicker than expected and thus the withdrawal is exacerbated.

As for the three C's, they're all getting a good kick in the stones this week... I guess that's why we put 52+ of them in a year.

Premium Chessgames Member
  klangenfarben: Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Expert == Candidate Master == Master Candidate (in some Russian translations) == ( 2000-2200 ). 1900-2000 puts you in high Class A.
Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: <Klangenfarben> Thanks for the advice on weaning off the klonopin. I'm now taking a pain killer (ultram) that has an anti-anxiety effect on me. I've read that the withdrawal from Ultram (Tramadol) is pretty bad. But the positive effects are better than clonazepam.

I'm about to reach 2000 rating at Queen Alice so I'll refrain from calling myself an expert until I get to 2001 (actually I peaked at 2117). cheers, TD ex-expert.

Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: Here's a stumper for anyone who cares:

You're in a game show. There are 3 boxes numbered 1, 2, 3. One of the boxes has a check for a million dollars, the other two are empty. You choose one and you will receive it's contents. You think, and think and you finally pick box number 2.

OK, here's the fun part. The host opens box # 3 and reveals that it is empty. The host then asks you if you want to change your decision and pick number 1.

Question: Will it benefit you to change or does it make no difference?

Think before rushing to judgement.

Premium Chessgames Member
  WannaBe: You change. This has been debated over and over on the 'Net for a while. Marilyn von Savan have answered this on her column.
Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: OK <Wannabe> I knew about Marilyn von Savant (Is that her real name ?) the problem is how do you explain it so it sounds logical? Even after Marilyn's explanation some people are still skeptical, even some mathematicians.

Here is a better explanation. Suppose instead of 3 boxes there are a million boxes. Your chance of picking the right one is, for all practical purposes, impossible. So the host keeps showing empty box after empty box until there are just two left. So unless you think you pulled a miracle and got it right at a million to one, you will change and win.

Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: It's Marilyn Vos Savant nee Marilyn Mach.

Premium Chessgames Member
  WannaBe: So I had her name partially wrong, talk to my lawyer! =)
Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: Hey, I had it wrong too!..I wrote von instead of vos..ha ha..Tell your lawyer to call me.
Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: Every time I hear or read the word draw I am reminded that I am going through Klonopin (clonazepam) withdrawal. For those that haven't gone through withdrawal of any kind let me tell you I have been through alcohol withdrawal and I thought it was the worse thing in the world. But Klonopin is just as bad the difference is that you can taper off alcohol legally by going to the package store and getting a six pack or two. But you need a prescription for Klonopin. i will be getting a refill soon but i am stealing my mother's xanax for now and that eases the withdrawal symptoms.
Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: I can't play chess under these conditions because you lose your concentration and get jittery and can't stand still for very long. So my hopes of getting a 2000 rating at QA is getting harder and soon I'll start losing on time. (well at least I haven't spilled coffee on my keyboard yet!)
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