Alexandra is grateful to you if you include her banner in your site. Pick any banner you like! Thanks!
Click on the banner to see the html-code to be inserted in your web-page.

non-animated, 140x190 px, 8K

non-animated, 150x200 px, 10K

non-animated, 468x60 px, 23K

animated, 140x76 px, 87K

non-animated, 102x64 px, 4K

animated, 140x76 px, 71K

animated, 100x108 px, 28K

animated, 100x108 px, 65K

animated, 108x64 px, 56K

animated, 108x64 px, 13K

animated, 260x84 px, 102K

animated, 140x76 px, 45K

animated, 140x76 px, 47K

non-animated, 200x79 px, 9K

non-animated, 200x79 px, 9K

non-animated, 200x79 px, 11K

non-animated, 200x79 px, 12K

non-animated, 200x79 px, 12K

non-animated, 200x79 px, 12K

non-animated, 200x79 px, 12K

non-animated, 98x87 px, 7K

non-animated, 98x87 px, 7K

animated, 468x60 px, 19K

animated, 468x60 px, 85K


flash, 600x90 px, 40K
Copy a following html-code:
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="600" height="90" align="middle"> <param name="movie" value="" > <embed src="" width="600" height="90" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </object>